Horrible timing

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Christmas is finally in season at Hogwarts! The snow falling in the courtyard, the christmas tree in the great hall and the northern light display put out by headmaster dippet. Everyone's in such a cheery mood, but something in me knew something was missing....

"Y/N!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME AT ALL?!" Avery yelled on the way back to the common room. "Oh shit Avery sorry. what were you saying?" I said back. "Ugh I love you but you need to start paying attention! I was asking what are you doing for winter break? My family and I are going to Sweden to go skiing!" Avery said, sounding extremely excited. I always knew he wanted to go to Sweden since first year. "I'm happy for you Avery! I don't really know since I haven't heard from my parents since school started."

Yeah... my family hasn't even sent me a letter since school started and to be honest, it really does make me concerned and worried since they normally send a letter every other week!

We got into the common room and saw none other then Tom Riddle and his little club of morons. "Well Clemonte, you always have horrible timing" Tom says standing up. "It's a talent Riddle. Maybe you should find some." I say walking into my room.


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