Back to hell we go...

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 TW: slight mentions of rape, sexual harassment and sexual assault

Today I head back to Hogwarts, aka the shittiest place on earth. You may be wondering "Why do you hate Hogwarts so much?" two words, Tom Riddle. Tom always acted like he was better than everyone when in reality he's a pretty amateur wizard. No matter what I do to get away from him, he always finds his way back to taunt me. I had tried to transfer to Beauxbatons in France, but they didn't accept me due to my parents connections with Durmstang. I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Y/N Clemonte. The only reason I'm really even known in this god forsaken place is due to my parents. My father, Thomas Clemonte is the current Minister of Magic while my mother, Anastasia Clemonte is a healer at St Mungos hospital. I hate my family because they never listen to what I have to say, they always yell at me for the stupidest shit and act like nothing happened after! and to make it worse, they have people watch me everywhere I go because "they can't trust me to not fuck somebody" anytime I go out. 

"Y/N sweetie it's time to go to Kings Cross! Your father and I will be in the car." My mother called from the living room. "God damnit" I mutter, while grabbing my cat Dinky and my luggage, heading my way down the stairs of my house. I put my stuff in the car and listen to After Dark by Mr Kitty on the way. 

We finally arrive at Kings Cross so I grab my stuff, and while shutting the door I hear my mother say "Goodbye sweetie we lo-" but I closed the door before she finished. I know what she's saying is bullshit but you get used to it. I go searching for platform 9 & 10. I eventually found it and while nobody was looking, ran through the wall making my way into platform 9 3/4. 

                                                                            Time Skip

I finally sat down with Dinky in my lap on the Hogwarts Express. I hate being on this train since it brings back back memories from 3rd year. In 3rd year, I was friends with this one boy named Michael Edison and we were extremely close. On the way home for winter break everything changed between us. (TW starts here!!) Suddenly while speaking to Michael, he starts whispering in my ear "You know you've developed really nicely over summer. I can't stop staring at your tits" while he then proceeds to rub his one hand on my upper thigh while grabbing my right breast with his other hand. I pushed him away from me while yelling "Get your fucking hands off of me Michael!". He didn't take to it very well so he then pushed me onto the seat, pinned me down and said "You shouldn't have done that you stupid fucking whore, now you're gonna get it whether you want it or not". I was crying, but nobody heard. (TW ends here

While I'm deep in thought of the situation, I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump and looked over ready to attack the person, but suddenly I heard the familiar voice of my best friend Erica! "Hey Y/N! I'm so happy you decided to stay at Hogwarts!!" I grabbed Erica by the arm gently while scooting over. "The only reason I'm even staying here is because Beauxbatons refused to let me in" I said scoffing. "Well I'm glad you stayed anyways Y/N. I also saw your bestie Tom earlier" said Erica smirking. 

Right on cue, the door to the cabin opens, revealing the one person I wish I could hex into oblivion...

625 words!

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