Last year at Hogwarts

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It was you last year at Hogwarts and you were nervous because you still didn't know what you wanted to do with the rest of your life. You were really good friends with harry Ron and Hermione (this is after the war, and everyone significant to the story is still alive) you all had been friends since first year but you were somehow left out of a lot of stuff they did, which made you a little depressed over the years. You were still good friends with them but they usually stayed to themselves and only talked to you in class, you were a bit of an outcast and some teachers noticed. One in particular noticed, Professor Remus Lupin, you always thought he was an amazing teacher and also thought he was kinda cute.

Currently you were in your first class of the final year and it just so happened to be with Lupin. Most people were sat at the back because they never wanted to be called on, except you, you sat right at the front alone mostly because you liked Lupin but also because you wanted to sit alone.

Professor Lupin finally came into the class 

"Good morning everybody, welcome back to another year at Hogwarts" he said happily

He scanned the room and noticed you were the only one at the front looking a bit lonely. He went on with the class as per usual until it was over, but before you could leave he called out for you

"Y/N could you please stay for a moment i would like to talk to you"

You sat back down in your desk and very nervous also, wondering why he would want to talk to you

"Did i do something wrong professor" you said nervously

"No darling, i was just wondering why you're always alone, i thought you were good friends with ron hermione and harry" he said

"Well i am i guess, we have been friends since first year but they seem to leave me out alot and i dont really have any other friends" you said shyly

"Oh dear, i wouldnt expect that from them, well how about if you're ever lonely you can always come talk to me"

"Thank you prfessor but i think if i came to you every time i felt lonely i'd never leave your side" you chuckled nervously

He blushed a bit but also felt bad for you

"I wouldn't be apposed to that" he stated making you blush

"Are you sure?" you asked nervously

"Yes of course, i know this probably isn't right and im sure as hell not taking advantage of your emotions but i've taking a liking to you over the summer"(over the summer everyone stayed at the weasleys because of the war they wanted to celebrate together)

"Really, you like me out of everyone" you asked

"What do you mean, look at you you're a gorgeous women, you're smart and kind"

You didnt say anything and just blushed profusely

"If im making you uncomfortable im very sorry i know im older and you're 19(you were held back a year making you a year older then the trio) but im still here for you if youre ever feeling down" he stated nervously

"Professor i..... i like you too" you said quietly

"really?" he said excitedly 

"Yes professor you're are a great teacher and ive grown very fond of you" you giggled

"would you perhaps want to go out with me? of course you don't have to" he said, you got up from your desk and sat walked infront of him

"Professor i would love to go out with you" you said and held his check

You both stared into each others eyes for a moment before you finally leaned in, your lips connecting in a passionate kiss. It felt amazing like the world didn't even exist and it was just the two of you

You both pulled away after awhile "You're so amazing y/n i'll always be here for you" he whispered while you were still close to him

You finally felt safe and had a purpose in this world, you were happy to see what the future held 

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now