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After fred calmed you down you walked back downstairs together. You sat on the couch next to molly and mona

"How are you darling" molly asked

"I dont know really, can i hold mona?" you asked

"Of course" she handed mona to you 

"So........ remus is still outside if you want to talk to him" molly said

You huffed but decided you should try and talk again

You stood up and walked outside with mona

You sat down next to remus on the bench

"Im sorry" he said

"I know, but we really missed you" you said playing with mona

"I missed you both so much, i just thought i was doing whats best" he said

"I get it but you know im always here to help you through anything........are you going to leave again?" you asked nervously

"I dont want to but.."

"but what?" you asked scared

"But... i want you to think about things more, if you really be with someone like me, if you want to raise mona together, if.....if you still want to get married" he said then he stood up and dissapperated

You just sat there in shock holding mona close

You tried not to cry again, but you couldnt help but feel sad, so you stayed there for a while

"hey" fred said sitting next to you

You didnt even hear him coming

"Oh hi fred" you said sitting closer to him

"You alright?" he said putting his arm around you

"I suppose" you said laying your head on his shoulder

Fred held you close, his warmth making you tired

"I need to feed mona, could you please get me the bottle in the fridge" you asked him

"Ya of course i will be right back"

"Oh mona what am i going to do, remus just keeps leaving anf fred is being unbelievably sweet, is it bad that im getting feelings for fred, i dont want to take you away from remus" you vented ti mona knowing she wasnt going to answer

"here you go" fred said sitting back next to you

"Oh thank you" you said starting to fed mona

"Umm... did you hear anything i said?" you asked nervously

"Ummmm.... ya a bit" he laughed awkwardly

"Oh um just forget what i said"

"I kinda have feelings for you too though" he admitted


"Of course how could i not you are amazing" he said smiling making you blush

"You are just being sweet"

"Can i hold her?" fred asked

"Ya sure" you handed mona over to fred after she was done drinking

He held her up and she placed her hands again on his checks and she giggled

"She really likes you" you said smiling

"Shes a little sweetheart" he said playing around with her

"Do you ever wants kids with someone in the future?" you asked

"Ya it would be nice to have a family of my own" he said with admiration in his eyes for mona

You could tell he really cared for mona

"So what are we going to do about these feelings?" you asked

"Well its your decision, what ever your choice is i will always be here to protect and help you, i mean ive had a crush on you for the longest time and when i heard you were with remus i was quit upset but i was happy for you" he said

"Really, how long have you liked me?"

"Since i met you when we were kids but i was to scared to say anything" he said blushing now

"Wow thats so sweet, i thought you had a thing for Angela?" you said

"No i just hung out with her cause i was trying to forget you but it didnt work you were always on my mind" he said 

"Can i have a bit of time to think about things" you asked

"Of course you can i know its alot to think about and i dont want to pressure you into anything" he said

"Now come on im sure mom wants to watch mona again" fred laughed


Okay everyone i kinda wanna put y/n and fred together, would you still read this then?? please let me know in the comments, id obvi add hella drama

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now