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Its been a week since you and fred had told each other about your feelings towards each other. He had been really kind and sweet to both you and mona like always but there was still this feeling you had that you weren't good enough for him. After everything remus had said and done it just made you feel like you could never really be enough for Fred, and you hated to admit it but after having mona you were really insecure about your body

You laid mona down for a nap and looked at yourself in the mirror, you lifted your shirt and started to cry silently, then you heard the door open and you saw fred walk in so you pulled your shirt down instantly

"Hey are you okay love?" he ask concerned

"Oh im fine" you said wiping your tears away

"No you're not, please talk to me, tell me whats wrong" he said leading you to sit on the bed

"Its just.....i want to be good enough for you Fred and im scared i won't be able to be what you want or need and after having mona im just really insecure about my body and i....." fred cut you off

"Hey listen, you are more than enough for me, i love you and i think you are beautiful no matter what and don't let anyone think you aren't good enough because you are the best person I have ever meet and i am here to show you how much i love you" he said pulling you into a passionate kiss

He laid you on the bed and it heated up, he was so gentle with you it was so different from remus

"i love you" you said

"i love you too" he said as you both finished

He laid down next to you

"Are you okay" he asked

"Yes i am, thank you fred, for everything"

~Time skip 1 month~

You woke up to Mona and Fred cuddled into you, mona was turning 1 today and you were so happy but always remembering all the stuff thats happened in the past year, suddenly you felt sick so you got up and ran to the washroom and threw up

You knew this feeling, it was all too familiar, you could feel it, you were pregnant again

You started panicking, Mona literally just turned 1 and what if fred didnt want this what if it was too much

Fred came in with mona, he kneeled down and tried to calm you down

"Hey calm down whats wrong? Are you sick?" he asked as mona stumble walked into your lap

"I think im pregnant" you stated holding mona close

"Are you 100% sure, the store is closed today plus mona's birthday, we can go to the burrow and have mom do the spell to see if you are pregnant plus she wanted to see mona anyways" he said

"Are you sure i dont want to be a burden"

"Don't worry you know that mom loves you and mona" he said making you smile

"Okay, i will get mona ready then we can go" you said giving him a quick kiss and leaving to change mona

This is going to be a crazy day

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now