Secrets out

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It was the next day and you were about to head down to the train, but you felt someone spin you around

"Whats wrong remus?" you asked concerned

"Nothing i just wanted to tell you to be careful i dont want anything to happen to you or the baby, also i wont be at the burrow for a week so we can tell them then okay love" 

"Awe baby why arent you gonna be there for another week, im going to miss you love" you said hugging him

"I have to finish packing here but i'll be there as soon as i can okay love" remus said hugging you tight and kissing your forehead

"Now you better head down to the train before you miss it" he said smiling that smile that melted your heart

"Okay i'll see you soon" you said and ran off to the train 

When you got there you looked for the compartment ron hermione and harry were sitting in

"Hey guys sorry im late, i was busy" you lied

"so can you tell us who you are dating now?" ran asked desperately 

"Just wait a week then i can i promise" you said giggling at how upset they were when you told them they had to wait

"Ugh fine" ron said

You all arrived at the burrow finally

"hi mrs weasley" you said happily going to hug her

"Hello dear, we havent seen you in awhile" she said hugging back

"ya ive been busy"

"Ya busy with her boyfriend" hermione giggled 

Everyone laughed with her making you blush

"Everyone quit it you are making her uncomfortable" molly yelled

Everyone then went to their rooms but you stayed to help molly with supper

"Oh dear you dont need to help" molly said

"No its okay i want to" you said happily

You both started cooking and through it you had a nice chat with her

"So dear, since no one else is around, who is this boyfriend of yours?" she asked excited

"Well you know him"

"Is it one of my sons?" she asked excited, she was really fond of you

"No but you will find out soon" 

It was dinner time and everyone was sitting around the table

When ron started eating chicken and it started to make you sick

You got up and ran to the washroom and threw up

"dear are you alright" molly asked

"ya im fine"

"Nobody who is alright just throws up" she said smirking

"ummm...." you said not wanting anyone to find out you're pregnant yet

"You are pregnant arent you" she asked

"Please dont tell anyone i want it to be a surprise" you pleaded

"I wont dear but does the father know" she asked coming to sit next to you

"Yes he knows and hes excited about it"

"Thats always good, i was so nervous every time i had to tell arthur" she said laughing

"ya i was extremely nervous to tell re..... my boyfriend but he was really happy and he cant wait to have this baby with me" you said almost exposing remus

"Im happy for you and i hope everything works out and you have a healthy baby" she said hugging you

"Thank you mrs weasley"

~Time skip~

It had been a week of being at the burrow and you were having alot of fun but you really missed remus and he was suppose to be here by now

You were sitting in the living room with everyone else when you heard a knock on the door

Molly got up and answered it and their was remus and sirius

When you made eye contact with him you started to tear up, the hormones were starting to affect you because of the pregnancy

He ran up to you not caring that the others were there and picked you up and pulled you close

"i missed you" you said crying and digging your face into his shoulder

"I missed you too love" he said

When you both pulled away you looked at everyone, they all had shocked faces

"ummmm..." you started to get really nervous now

"Y/N IS THIS YOUR BOYFRIEND, OUR TEACHER, ARE YOU CRAZY" ron yelled at you making you cry hard

"ron calm down" molly said feeling bad for you, knowing what you are going through


"Im just going to go im sorry" you said running outside

"come on ron that was so rude" hermione said

Remus ran outside after you

"y/n come back" remus yelled trying to catch up to you

You suddenly stopped and turned around, tears were rapidly running down your face, this broke remus' heart

"AM I REALLY THAT DISGUSTING REMUS? I MEAN I THOUGH THEY WOULD BE FINE WITH THIS I MEAN IM 19...... i just thought maybe..maybe they would actually except this" you said breaking down, you feel to your knees feeling nothing but a wave of sadness

Remus ran up to you and held you

"y/n dont believe what ron said okay, didnt you notice anybody elses expression, they were all fine with it...well except ron, and no you are disgusting at all, i love you so much and nothing at all could change that, please dont think about this too much, i dont wanna see you so upset, it breaks my heart" remus said tear up a bit while telling you

"What would i do without you remus" you said laughing feeling a bit better

"Should we still tell them im pregnant?" you asked

"I guess we should just get everything out of the way" remus said bringing you back inside

"Everyone i know that was a shock but we have something else to tell you" remus announced 

He saw how nervous you were so he made you turn into him so your face was hidden

"We are pregnant" he stated

Nobody spoke making you even more nervous

"so you did it is what you are saying" fred and george said at the same time

"boys knock it off" molly laughed along with everyone else

"See baby i told you it would be alright" he said looking down at you smiling

You knew everything would be alright as long as you were with him

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now