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You, Fred and mona all arrived at the burrow and walked in to see molly in the kitchen

"Hey dear, what are you doing here? Why aren't you with Remus?" molly asked concerned

"Oh ummm...." you started

"They aren't together anymore, but there is actually a reason we are here, we think she might be pregnant and we wanted you to check, plus its mona's birthday" fred said smiling while carrying mona

"WHAT! Really, you are together, im so happy for you both, i always wanted you both to be together, now come on y/n lets go check" molly said bringing you to fred's old room

She laid you down and did a spell over your belly

"Yup you are going to have babies" she said

"BABIES? as in more than one baby" you asked panicked

"Yes, congratulations im sure mona will be very excited to have little siblings" molly said as you both went back downstairs

You got down stairs and walked over to fred nervous

"Uhhh fred im pregnant, i was right but.....its twins and....Im scared"

"This is amazing why are you scared?" he asked hugging you close

"Well what if it's too much, what if you get too over whelmed and you leave me" you panicked

"I would never do that, i think this is amazing and trust me when i say this is everything i could ever ask for....I promise" he said calming you down

"I believe you" you said smiling

You picked up Mona and sat on the couch, eventually you fell asleep you were so tired from all the stress then you woke up to a knock on the door

You sat up to see molly opening it and there stood remus

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now