Gender Reveal

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~7 months pregnant~

You were now 7 months pregnant and you and fred decided to have a gender reveal party

You got up early and got yourself and Mona ready, when you were done you saw fred and george walking towards you

"Hey love, are you both ready to go?" fred asked as he picked up mona

"Yup lets go!" you said excited

Neither you or fred new the genders, Molly was throwing the party and was in charge of the reveal

You all arrived at the burrow and walked in seeing all your friends there, hermione, harry, ginny, ron, the rest of the weasley twins and sirius

"Welcome dears! Are you excited mona to see if you will have sisters or brothers" molly asked Mona

She nodded excited reaching out for molly to carry her

Molly carried her and led everyone to the backyard were there was both yours and freds wands on the table

"Okay so i used a spell on both your wands that when you both shot out a spell it will be either blue or pink!" molly said as everyone stood around

Both you and fred picked up your wands

"Are you ready dear" he asked as he held your free hand

"Yes babe, lets do this.....1....2....3" and then you both shot out a spell

And the speak exploded with pink and blue

"AAAHHHHH WE ARE HAVING A BOY AND GIRL" you yelled out in overjoy

Fred hugged you tight

"Thank you love we are going to have a little Ember and Ares" fred said as he leaned in to kiss you as everyone around cheered

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