Scared of Myself

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You opened the door and you saw remus there on the ground with his head hung low

You kneeled down to his level 

"Remus.... are you okay?" you said nervously

"Im..Im so sorry" Was all you heard from him before he passed out

Time Skip~

You somehow managed to get remus up to your bedroom, you sat next to the bed with Mona the whole time until he woke up

You were about to fall asleep when you heard remus groan

"Y/n...." he whispered

"Hey remus are you alright i was so worried about you" you said sitting next to him on the bed now

"You're asking if im alright? after what i did to you" he said going to place his hand over your bandage

You put your hand on his "Remus dont worry about it, it wasnt your fault" you said trying to calm him because you could see he was getting angry

"NO.... i cant believe i did this to you, i knew i couldnt trust myself around you,  i never wanted to hurt you and now im scared i might hurt Mona now too and i cant ever do that" he said starting to cry

"Oh Remus.... you know i love you and nothing you could do could drive me away, i will always be here for you, and you know mona adores you just look at the way she looks at you" you both looked at her in your arms and he was reaching for remus giggling

"See we will never leave cant you see how much we love you" you said

"I love you both so much" he pulled you both into his arms until you and mona fell asleep

Remus POV

I cant ever hurt them again, maybe they would be better off without me

He looked down and you and mona and teared up, he kissed both your foreheads then slowly moved out of the bed 

"I love you both so much" i whispered I then left a note about why im leaving

~Normal POV~

When you woke up you were bed alone with mona, you got up to go look for remus, he was probably in the kitchen or something

When you got downstairs he wasnt there, you sat mona in her crib and gave her a bottle while you went to look for remus

"REMUS.... REMUS WHERE ARE YOU" you yelled running everywhere looking for him

You got back to the bedroom and found a note on the bedside table

"Y/n im so sorry i had to do this to you, i know that you said you would never leave, but im to scared that i will hurt you again and i just cant ever let that happen again, im sorry y/n please find a way to move on, i just want you and mona to live a happy safe life, i love you ~ Remus" after reading the note you dropped to the ground

How could he do this, you felt so alone and scared, youo nly ever felt happy and safe around him 

~Time skip One week~

It had been really hard without remus around, all you did was play with mona and feed her, you didnt bother to eat alot you were to depressed to even leave the house

You were playing with mona on the couch when you heard a knock on the door, you got up and ran hoping it was remus

You swung open the door "REMUS?" but when you looked it was mrs weasley

"Oh hi Mrs weasley, come in" she came in and sat on the couch next to mona

"So what are you doing here?" you asked trying to sound happy

"I just wanted to check in on you guys to see if everything was going well and if you need me to take mona for a bit so you and remus could have sometime together" she said, at the end of her sentence your face dropped

"Oh um actually theres no need to worry" you said sadly

"Darling are you okay" she asked concerned

You shock you head

"Remus left me" you said starting to cry

"WHAT" she yeleld

"It was the full moon and he accidentally cut me(you motioned to the scar on your face) and when he came back he was so scared of what he had done so he left in the night and he hasnt came back in a week and now hes probably never coming back, and i just dont understand, i told him it was fine, i cant live without him" you said breaking down

"Oh dear, how about you come over to our place for a bit so i can help with mona and i can keep you well fed cause i can see you havent been eating"

"Are you sure i dont want to be a bother" you asked

"Of course dear you wont be a bother at all now come on"

You packed a bag and took mona to the fire place were you disspaerated to the weaselys

When you got there everyone was sitting around the table for supper

"Hi everyone" you said while you sat mona down and cleaned the ash off of her

"Hey y/n how is little mona" hermione said coming to sit next to you

"shes doing great, shes a darling little girl" you said smiling

Then molly came through the fireplace

"okay everybody, y/n and mona are going to be staying here for a bit due to personal reasons okay?" she stated

"Okay!" mostly everyone said happily

"But where is remus" of course ron had to asked

You just looked down and didnt answer

"Dont worry about it, now everyone go wash up, it s almost dinner"

You decided to sit outside with mona before supper to get some fresh air, plus mona love it outside

She was giggling then you heard someone come up behind you

You looked and it was fred sitting next to you

"Hey fred, what are you doing out here?" you asked smiling

"I just wanted to come and check on you, you seemed a bit sad" he said

"Oh ya im hanging in there, good thing i have mona, shes the only thing i have keeping me sane" you said rocking mona in your arms

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked

"I just want remus back, it only been a week and its been so hard, ive been with him for so long and i dont even know what to do without him, he made me so happy and made me feel safe, and he just left"

He didnt say anything he just pulled you and mona into a hug

"It will be okay, me and george are going to be staying here for a while so if you ever need to talk just come to me okay?" he said looking deep into your eyes

"Okay i will, thank you so much"

You all then headed inside for supper


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