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When you woke up you didnt see remus anywhere. You woke up and walked over to mona's room to see if he was there but he wasnt and mona wasnt there either. You started to panic thinking he left.

You ran downstairs trying to look for them.

"Remus where are you" you yelled out starting to tear up

They werent anywhere so you ran outside hoping they were there

When you stepped outside there was a walk way of flowers leading to remus and mona

You slowly walked up to them

"Wat is all of this, you scared me i thought you left" you asked

He gave mona to you, then got down on one knee

You held mona close and started to tear up

"Y/n i love you so much i wouldnt want anything else, you have givin me so much love and i want to spend the rest of my life together, so y/n will you marry me?" he asked opening a ring book

"Remus....." you were at a loss of words

"Of course" you yelled excited

He got up and placed the ring on your finger and gave you a passionate kiss

"I love you" you said

"I love you too"

"also i got something for mona" he pulled out a little necklace with both yours and his picture in it

"Remus this is so sweet" you were just a ball of tears now

"Now come on i have breakfast made for you" he led you to a picnic and it was the best morning ever

Time Skip

You had dropped mona off at hermiones and rons because they knew about this proposal and wanted to give you both alone time

When you got home before you walked inside you saw remus inside with some girl, she kissed his check then he kissed hers then she dissaperated 

You walked in heartbroken

"WHAT THE HELL" you asked tears running down your face

"Y/n no its not what you think" he asked nervous

"Then what, who was that, are you..... cheating on me? I knew i couldnt be enough for you" you said freaking out running up stairs going to pack things

"Y/n just let me explain" he said running after you

"Fine what is it" you said turning around to him

"Look that was one of my friends she was helping me and giving me advice to how to make this night special, i swear i wouldnt ever cheat on you, and i cant believe you dint think you are enough for me, look at you, youre everything a man looks for, please just come downstairs please" he said wiping your tears

"Okay, im sorry, its just i get so insecure" you said walking downstairs hand in hand with him

"There is no need to love" he brought you the dining room, it was lit with candles and your favorite meal

"Remus this is amazing" you said hugging him

The rest of the night went amazing


Hey everyone!! hope youre liking it, honestly i dont know where im going with this story so if you have any ideas please comment

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now