Feeling down

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It was the middle of the summer and your baby bump was starting to form, luckily molly gave you and remus your own room because she new how much you both loved each other. Plus you couldnt sleep without him. But with you baby bump growing everything else was too, it was natural and you knew that but it was making you a bit self conscious around remus.

You both woke up one morning from the smell of breakfast

"Good morning love" remus said kissing your check

"good morning remus" you said groggily

"Are you alright?" remus asked concerned

"Ya im fine dont worry about it"

"okay well come on then love lets change and go down for breakfast" he said starting to change

You were memorized by his body he was so toned and it just made you feel even worse. How could he look at your body like he use to

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he said laughing

"Sorry....." you said sadly, embarrased

"are you going to change?"

"Uh ya, you go ahead, i'll be down in a bit" you said laughing nervously

"are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes i fine love, i just have to get cleaned up, now head down stairs i'll be right there" you said fake smiling

He finally agreed and left, you started to change but you caught a glimpse of yourself and just picked out all the flaws you saw. You started to cry but tried not to make any sounds, you had enough and changed into remus' comfy baggy clothes because they made you feel a bit better. You walked down to breakfast and sat next to remus, you then leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Darling why are you wearing my clothes?" he asked chuckling while wrapping his arm around your shoulder

"Because they make me feel comfortable" you said shyly

"Well i think you look good in them, i think you look good in anything" he whispered the last part making you blush

"I love you" you whispered back

"Now eat some food babe, we need you and our little munchkin feed" he said patting your bump making you feel even worse about yourself

for the rest of the day you just stayed in the room, avoiding everybody

Then you heard a knock at the door and someone come in, you knew it was remus

"You are starting to concern me please tell me whats wrong" he said getting into bed with you and pulling you into his lap so he can look you in the eyes

"I dont wanna worry you, its stupid anyway" you say as you wipe a tear away

"Love of course i am going to worry and its not stupid please tell me"

"Its just since the baby is growing....im growing and it making me feel really ugly and i feel self conscious around you because im not what i use to look like" you said weeping

"Baby no.... you are carrying our baby, you are giving me something i have always wanted, how could i judge you, if anything it makes me love you even more.... you are beautiful y/n" he said as a tear rolled down his check

"Really?" you asked relived

"With out a doubt love, you are my everything" he said pulling you into a hug, you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight, feeling better knowing he doesn't care what you look like

"please come to me whenever you are feeling down okay" he said pushing back your hair

"Okay i will, now lets go to bed im tired and i just wanna cuddle with you"

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now