Who to pick?

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It had been a week since you and fred confessed to eachother but you were so conflicted. Deep down you knew that remus was who you truly loved but what he did and left again made you confused. Fred was an extremely sweet and you loved how he was with mona.

You woke up and decided that today was the day to choose who you wanted to be with.

You brought mona downstairs for breakfast and everyone was already there.

"Goodmorning everybody" you said

"Goodmorning dear" molly said

You sat down at the table then you heard at the knock at the door hoping it was Remus

Arthur got up and answered the door

"Remus what are you doing here?" arthur asked

"I need to talk to y/n please" you could tell he was distraught 

You got up handing mona to fred and walking outside

"Hey remus what do you want to talk about" you asked

"I need to tell you something please dont be mad" he said nervous

"What is it?"

"I.....I slept with someone, i was drunk i swear it meant nothing" he said

"Are.... ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW" you yelled

"Im so so soooo sorry y/n please forgive me" he pleaded

"You have to be kidding me, i cant believe this, i dont want to see you" you ran back inside picked up mona from fred and sat back down at the table trying to be calm

"What happened?" molly asked

"He cheated on me" you said sadly, feeding mona

Everyone was shocked

Fred sat closer to you rubbing your back trying to comfort you

"Oh dear i am so sorry i cant believe he would do this" molly said getting mad

"I dont know what i did wrong i told him everything was fine and he still did all this to me, i dont know what to do, should i leave him? But i dont want mona to not have a father" you said starting to panic

"Y/n we will be here for you to help you in anyway, you are family now, and you are not alone" fred said

"Thank you so much" fred then hugged you making everyone else a bit confused to such affection

"Whats this about?" george asked smirking

"Oh umm...." you said not knowing what to say

"We might have feelings for each other" fred said smirking

You could see molly was happy knowing fred could make you happy

"y/n come with me" fred said standing up holding his hand out to you

you took his hand and he took you and mona to his room

"Listen y/n i know that this happened to you but i love you, and i want to be the one to treat you right and make you happy and make mona feel happy and safe" he said poring his heart out to you

"I dont even know what to say...... i think i might love you too"



Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now