Cheer up

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The next morning you woke up feeling a bit better then yesterday but still a bit self conscious. So you decided to go down to the lake and watch the sunrise to get your mind off of everything. You quietly got out of bed and sneaked your way through the burrow and didnt make a sound. You waked out into the frosty morning air and headed to the lake. You sat down at the edge and just admired everything good that happened in your life.

Then you thought of your baby

"Im excited to see you, i cant wait to have you in my arms, i just hope you are like your father.... because he is the most amazing person i have ever met" you said to your little bump

You suddenly felt a kick, you gasped out in a bit of pain and also excitement

Meanwhile back in the burrow ~Remus POV~

''Y/n?" remus said looking for you all over the burrow, getting nervous until he caught a glimpse of you sitting by the lake

He smiled just admiring you until he saw you wince and hold your stomach so he ran out after you

~Back to normal POV~

You heard someone run up behind you

"Hey y/n are you okay?" you heard remus ask as he came and sat beside you looking concerned

 "Ya... actually the baby kicked" you said giggling

Remus had an excited look on his face

"Can i feel?" he asked

"Of course love" you took his hand and placed it gently on your bump

"the baby isnt kicking" said sadly

"Just waiting let me try something"

"Your dad is here baby, he is the one i was telling you about" you said and remus looked at you confused

Then the baby kicked again

"Oh wow this is amazing" remus said happily, getting behind you so that you are sitting between your legs and he places his hands back on your tummy

"Why did you come down here so early love?" he asked holding you close

"I just needed to clear my head is all" you said leaning back into his chest

"Is this still about what happened yesterday" he asked concerned

You didnt say anything

"Love you know i love you no matter what right?" he asked

"Yes i know its going to have to get use to my body changing but it is just a bit hard" you admitted

"It'll be okay love, thats what im here for, to make you feel loved and to help you love yourself" he said kissing your check

You turned around and sat on his lap with tears in your eyes

"Why did you pick me out of everyone in class, why me"

"Ive told you love, you are beautiful, smart, kind, and everything i have ever wanted, so please stop doubting my love for you" he said wiping your tears away

"Now come on lets head back inside and warm you up, we dont want you getting sick" he said smiling and carrying you in and sitting you on the couch infront of the fire place

You both cuddled and covered yourselves in blankets

"Remus.... do you think our little baby is going to be a werewolf?" you asked curious

"Hmmm. i havent thought about that, i hope not" he said

"Why not?"

"Because i dont want them to go through everything that comes along with it, its too hard" he said sadly

You felt sad knowng how hard he is on himself and how he hates that about him

"Love you know i love your werewolf side too right"

"Really, why would you?"

"Because i love absolutely everything about you" you said giving him a quick kiss

"I must be the luckiest man alive" he said laughing

You both just stared into each others eyes lovely for awhile until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach

"Ugh, remus something is wrong" you said looking at him scared

"Hold on" he said as he brought you to st mungos

"WE NEED HELP PLEASE" remus yelled

The nurses rushed you into a room

"It hurts remus, im scared" you said 

He sat by your bed and held your hand

"It will be okay love, just have hope" he said trying not to cry himself

The doctor came in making you nervous

"is the baby okay?" you asked

"Well....." the doctor said making you almost panic

"It seems that you have been putting alot of stress on the baby, is that true?"

"Well i have been a bit stressed lately" you said

"Well that stress is very harmful to the baby, its fine but i suggest you try and take it easy and relax" the doctor suggested and then left

You didnt say anything, neither did remus, then he took you back to the burrow and put you in bed. Before he left you grabbed his hand, he looked down at you and saw tears in your eyes

"Im so sorry remus, im so sorry" you said balling

"Oh baby, its okay it happens and look at the bright side, the baby is okay, you are okay, we are okay, now stop stressing that pretty little head of yours and get some rest okay"

"Okay but just please stay with me" you said feeling better

Remus got into bed with you and you finally felt safe and stress free

Remus Lupin x Student ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now