You Can't

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I woke up to see fred walking into the room

"Hey how was your night?" you asked tired

"Y/nwe need to talk" he said as he sat on the bed

"what is it? Did i do something wrong?" you asked scared

"I can't be with you anymore" he blurted out

You could feel the tears building up quickly

"What? why? Are you sick of me? Are the kids overwhelming you? I thought you wanted this? I thought you wanted me" you start to panic, this felt just like when remus didn't want you anymore

"I..." Before he could finish you interrupted him

"Fred you know you are the only person I love, you will always be the only person i want to be with....but you aren't happy with me anymore" you pause to try and stop yourself from whimpering "you can leave me....if thats what you want...just know i will always want you....always, i've dealt with raising mona i can raise two more so don't let that stop you from leaving if that even crossed your mind" you stopped looking at him hoping he would change his mind

"Goodbye y/n" he said as he got up and left

~Fred POV~ 

I left, this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do, i wanted to breakdown and cry, having to leave the women and kids I truly love, hurt more then any physical pain

"Did you do it?" i heard from around the corner

"Yes remus I left her, i held up my end of the deal now you have to promise you won't hurt her or the kids" I said

"I won't now leave and never see her again or i will break my promise do you understand?" remus asked

"I understand" i said as i disaperated away

~Normal POV~

You sat in your bed shocked to say the least, then you heard a knock on your bedroom door

You ran to the door hoping it was fred

"Fred" you said as you opened the door to only see george

"Oh god y/n what happened?" he asked as he walked into the room with you

You both sat on the bed

"He left me george....fred left me, he's gone" you cried as he pulled you into his chest

"I can't believe he would do that....there must be something else..I know fred and i know he loves you more than anything" he said

"I can't do this alone, is it me am i bad luck, am i unworthy of love" you asked looking up at him

"No god of course deserve all the love in the world, lets just give him sometime im sure he will come around and if not i will personally knock some sense into him" he said trying to cheer you up

You giggle a bit

"Thank you george I really appreciate everything you do for me and the kids, I just hope i haven;t lost fred for good"

"Get some rest today, and i will take care of the kids okay" george said laying you down

"No i can't make you do that" you said trying to sit up

"I insist now go to sleep"

~1 Month later~

You barely got any sleep, you barely ate, you tried to do as much for the kids as you could to distract yourself from thinking about fred

George tried to help but he had his own life with running the business and you totally understood and was grateful for when he could help

You skin was pale, your eyes dark and sunken, your checks were stained with tears, your stomach sunken and your ribs protruding

Rylie and Violet were growing fast and Mona loved playing with them

You were sitting on the floor with Violet and Rylie looking at their features

Violet had the beautiful red weasley hair and green eyes while rylie had brown hair with blue eyes, seeing her red hair made you miss fred so much, before you could break down again george walked in

"Hey George how was work?" you asked as mona came and started to play with the twins

"It was good, how was your day?" he asked as he came and sat with you

"Just another day" you sighed

"Im so sorry, it kills me seeing you like this" then you heard a knock on the door

George got up and answered the door and behold it was fred

"Fred you finally come to your senses" george said glaring

"I have to talk to y/n" he said so you got up and walked outside not wanting the kids to hear anything

"What do you want fred, here to break my heart again?" you asked

He didn't say anything and just looked at you

"Did i do this to you" he asked as he stepped closer noticing all the changes

"Its not easy fred, having you, the love of my life leave me for god know what and being reminded of you everytime i look at violet" you said

"Im sorry, please believe me when i tell you i never wanted to leave you, im going to tell you this because I can't be away from you anymore, remus contacted me and said if i didn't leave you he would hurt you and the kids, im so sorry, we can figure something out i just can't not be with you, leaving you broke my heart, please take me back" he said as he started to cry

"Oh god, fred, you should have just talked to me, do you know how that affected me, i thought you didn't love me anymore and that maybe you were cheating on me" you said stepping closer to him

"I love you so much and i could never cheat on you just please give me another chance" he pleaded

"Of course i will take you back fred just please come to me next time" you said as he pulled you into a hug

you both walked into the house and brought him over to the kids, mona ran over and jumped into fred's arms

"Dad i missed you" she said this was the first time she called him dad

Fred looked completely overjoyed

"Come look at Violet and Rylie they have grown so much" he came and picked them up

"Oh wow this is crazy, she looks just like me and he looks like you, these kids are beautiful, im so glad to be back"

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