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"Hope, your Aunt Kate will be here today or tomorrow alright" I tell Hope, as we are sat out in the Garden with Hayley, Jackson and Rebekah, I think Hayley and Jackson will make such a cute couple, now i just need to plan how to get them together with the help of Bekah.

 "Is there anyone you like Hayley"? I ask her, making her look at me, her eyes go to Jackson very quickly before looking at me again, but i don't miss the look, "maybe" Hayley answers, "Jackson"? Bekah asks, Hayley nods her head and looks down, "I thought for a long time i could be with Elijah but we both knew nothing would come out of it" Hayley says, "that's true and plus Katherine suits Elijah much better, but don't ever tell my brother that" Bekah says, Hayley smiles, "I won't, Just i don't even know if Jackson likes me like that" Hayley answers, and I can tell she doesn't know hat to do, "well you have got Rebekah and I to help you" I tell her, "Really you will help"? Hayley asks looking hopeful, "Yes we will, right Rebekah" I say as i turn to look at her, "Fine i've got nothing better to do" Rebekah says before standing up and walking inside, "she's planning" is the only thing I say to to Hayley.

We stay outside for a bit more till Hope comes up to me asking to go inside and get something to eat, "what would you like"? I ask her as I pick her up and carry her inside, "Chocolate cake" Hope answers me, "How about, we have some pasta and chicken and then we have cake" I say, "fine, I can't wait till aunt Kat gets here" Hope says, Only because your Aunt Kat can't turn down your puppy eyes when you ask for cake just like your uncle Elijah and Finn, I think to myself.

Klaus walks into the kitchen with Hayley and Rebekah as i'm putting the plates with the food on down on the kitchen side, "Hope do you want to help me with setting the table in the dinning room"? Hayley asks, "Ok, and i tell you all about how i turned Kol's hair pink" Hope answers as she takes Hayley's hand.

Klaus walks up to me and warps his arms around me, "Is something wrong"? I ask, "Tomorrow evening just the two of us are going out, Hayley is going to watch Hope for us and maybe have her over for a sleepover" Klaus says to me, "so you are taking me out on a date"? i ask, as i turn in his him to look at him, "Well yes i guess i am" Klaus says and leans down and kisses me.

After Lunch.

Klaus is heading to his art studio when he feels a small hand slip into his, he stops walking and look down to see Hope, "is there something i can do for you princess"? Klaus asks Hope, Hope smiles, "Paint" Hope says, making Klaus smile, "That we can do" Klaus says, after a while of painting There's a flash a light and a bang Hope doesn't scream but she stands up and goes to where Klaus is, the door opens and Hayley comes in and Klaus sees blood trailing down the side of her head, "Klaus" is the only thing Hayley says before he vamp speeds downstairs, "what the hell is going on here" Klaus says as he stops in living room, and he sees Rebekah and Caroline being held by two vampires, Elijah and Kol out cold on the floor, "Dear Klaus Mikaelson its been a while" a female voice says, Klaus turns around and comes face to face with Lana.

"Lana its been awhile, please tell your boys to let go of my sister and New Orleans Queen Caroline" Klaus says, "Boys" Lana says, the 2 vamps lets goes and Rebekah sends a nod to say she's fine, Klaus goes over to Caroline, "So this is the Queen, well Klaus all them years ago when you saved me from my husband and changed me, you told me after 200 years living together if i need help all i have to do is tell you and well i need help and you are going to to help or i'll rip Queen Caroline's heart out without even blinking" Lana says and there's no threat in her voice but a promise, Klaus' eyes turn gold, "You will do no such thing Lana or i will give both your sons a werewolf bite and i won't save them" Klaus says and takes a step towards Dane.

Lana holds her hands up, "Alright I won't touch her but Klaus somehow your father and mother are back from the dead" Lana says, "You have got to be bloody kidding me" Rebekah says, "No i'm not and they are coming after Klaus' daughter" Lana says, "Hope isn't just mine she's Caroline's as well, Esther and Mikael are coming after my family and i'll kill them again to keep them safe" Klaus says, "we have to do something and soon Klaus, they have already killed 5 vampires, 5 witches and around 10 wolves, this is going to be a bigger war then the one your already dealing with" Lana says before she and her sons leave. 

Well fuck Caroline thinks to herself, Hayley comes downstairs with Hope, as soon as Hope sees Klaus and Caroline she runs to them, "Mommy, daddy, your alright" Hope says as Klaus picks her up, Caroline's heart warms as Hope calls Klaus dad, "mommy and me are alright princess, everything is going to be fine" Klaus says as he holds Hope and Caroline close to him, Nothing is going to tear these 2 from me, if i have to go through everyone to keep them safe then so be it, starting with mommy and daddy dearest.

part 11 is half happy and then kind of not happy, not sure when the next part will be out, but i'm working on a new Klaroline story so that should be out in the next few weeks, please tell me what you think so far.

please follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

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