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"Mommy, daddy, someone is following us" Hope says bringing Caroline and Klaus to stop after leaving Rousseau's, Klaus looks around and sees four vampires a bit away from them down the street, Klaus makes sure Hope is in the middle of him and Caroline and they keep walking Klaus turns down an ally, "Klaus"? Caroline asks keeping her voice low, "Don't worry Love everything is going to be alright" Klaus answers, they come to a stop and Klaus keeps his body, in front of Caroline and Hope.

"Klaus Mikaelson, give us the child and things will be alright" one of the vamps says, Klaus' eyes glow gold, "What are you going to do Mr, Mikaelson are you going to kill us in front of a child, wow that is mean and cold" the same vamp speaks, Making Klaus stop from going to them, Fuck I can't kill these in front of Hope, Klaus thinks.

Klaus sees the two vampires standing at the back drop to the ground soundless, the two vampires left standing in front of Klaus, Caroline and Hope, stop moving when one of the vamps gasps, and drops to the ground "No the Klaus Mikaelson won't kill in front of his child but I will because i've done it before" the voice of Katherine Pierce says and she's stood in the opening of the ally way holding the heart of the dead vampire, "Aunt Kate" Hope says and slips out of Caroline's hold and she runs to Katherine, and hugs  her legs, Katherine drops the heart and wipes her hands clean on some cloth, before picking Hope up and hugging her.

The vampire who is left screams and holds his head, as he falls to her knees, "I really hate vampires that go after my family, wait Klaus isn't my family not yet at least".

"Bonnie" Caroline says in shocked as her best friend stands beside Katherine, "hey Care" Bonnie says and and twists her hand and the vampire falls sides way, "I really enjoyed doing that" Bonnie says randomly, Making Klaus' eyes widen, but Caroline and Katherine laugh, "What are you the vamp Aunt Kate"? Hope asks, "Well your father is going to take the vampire whose name is Danny back to your house and hold him in the cells and well and Klaus can kill him after talking to Danny" Katherine answers her niece, Hope looks from her aunt Kate to her dad then back to aunt Kate, "Alright, can we go home and get ice cream and watch Frozen"? Hope asks, "Sure thing, butterfly" Bonnie answers.

Back at the Mikaelson mansion.

Caroline watches as Klaus takes Danny the vampire inside and down to the cells, Hope runs into the house shouting for Hayley and Rebekah, making Katherine and Bonnie look at Caroline, "Its a long story" Caroline says not in the mood at the minute to tell them, "We have time babe so tell us when your ready" Katherine says, "I'll tell you tomorrow" Caroline answers, "Can you do this"? Caroline asks while looking at Katherine, "of course I can do this, though i will admit only to you Caroline and Bonnie that it will be hard seeing Elijah I mean i will always love him but he could be with someone and I won't ruin that for him" Katherine answers, "Katerina, you will not ruin anything for me, because the only one i want is you" Elijah's voice says, making the 3 friends who are like sister jump and turn to see Elijah standing in the shadows, of the outside light, Caroline and Bonnie look at each other, "We will be inside Katherine" Caroline says, making Katherine look at Caroline then Bonnie with a lost look on her face, before she looks at Elijah.

Elijah still looks handsome and tasty as ever, what i would love to do is to get Elijah out of his clothes and have wild sex-that's not going to happen.

Katherine thinks, "What do you want Elijah, i'm here to Help Caroline and keep my niece Hope safe" Katherine says, Elijah takes a step toward Katherine but she steps backwards, Elijah's eyes darken, "Katherine that maybe your name that you are using but you will always be Katerina to me" Elijah tells his Love, "You weren't there when i needed you, you turned me away because I killed little Elena's brother, but you wouldn't hear me out, then the only one i could turn to at first was Caroline and she understood everything that i've done and i am still doing, then Bonnie found something out to do with Elena and that lot and she has looked backed since" Katherine says, "I know, Katerina but i'm willing to make up for everything starting with this" Elijah says and before Katherine knows what's happening Elijah kisses her, Fuck, i've missed this Katherine thinks to herself, the kiss doesn't last long, Katherine is the first one to pull away, "I am going to make this up to you Katherine, your hair still beautiful as ever same like you" Elijah says and gives Katherine a soft smile, Katherine can't help but return his smile.

Maybe this will work out Between Elijah and I, but first thing first is keeping Hope safe as well as Caroline, then i can focus on Elijah, but until then my main mission is Hope and Caroline making sure they stay alive.

part 12 hope its alright and you've enjoyed reading this chapter, i'm not that good at writing violence but i'm hopeful i've done good with writing it, Josie and Lizzie will be in the next part, what do you think of Katherine?.

has anyone else watched Ncis or have watched it, i love the started watching it from the beginning.

Please follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

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