14-Part 2

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Mikel tightens has hold on Caroline's neck, "such a sweet little thing this one is" Mikel says, the sound of Mikel's voice sends shivers down Caroline's spine, Klaus' eyes turn even golden then Caroline has ever seen them, "Let her go" Klaus says as he takes another step forward, Mikel keeps one hand on her neck and tightens his hold, Caroline gasps at the pain, Klaus stops walking and stands still, "who knew that I had to wait over a thousand years to finally kill you Nicklaus, and the only way that is going to make this easier is by killing this beautiful thing" Mikel says as he runs his fingers through Caroline's hair, Caroline stays still though it takes everything in her to not flinch away, Caroline meets Klaus' eyes and before anyone or even Caroline herself knows what she's doing, Caroline steps on Mikel's foot, the pain makes Mikel let go of Caroline she moves out of reach when Mikel goes to touch her, "you think your lucky darling" Mikel says as he goes towards Caroline, but he finds himself down on his knees with Elijah, behind him, "You come any closer and you'll be dead" Mikel says.

"Your missing a certain item" Caroline says and holds up the stake, Mikel's eyes widen, "they are to be killed and you, your easy to kill then these are, but you will all be killed" Mikel says, Caroline goes to walk up to him, but Klaus grips her arm, "Caroline" Klaus says, Caroline turns to look at Klaus, Caroline doesn't have to say anything and Klaus lets go of her, Caroline makes her way to stand in front of Mikel, "Your nothing miss Forbes, Nicklaus will get rid of you and your daughter before to long, I mean Nicklaus thinks of himself as a King and seen as he thinks that he doesn't need you" Mikel says, "Please, I'm the Queen and the Queen rules more then a king" Caroline says and stabs Mikel with the stake, Elijah lets go of his father/not father.

"I'm sorry" Caroline says as she looks from Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and finally Klaus, Klaus doesn't waste anytime in walking over to Caroline and Kissing her, they break when they hear the kids giggling happily, they turn to see Hope, Lizzie and Josie stood giggling while looking at them, "Mommy, Daddy" Hope says as she runs to them, Klaus picks her up and holds her and Caroline close to him, "Mommy and Daddy how can you 2 be Queen and King if your not married"? Hope asks, Caroline and Klaus look at each other, "Why not" Klaus says, Caroline eyes widen, "you want to get married"? Caroline says, "Yes I love you Miss Caroline Forbes, and I want to spend the rest of the years we have together, so will you Caroline make me the happiest man and marry me"? Klaus asks.

Caroline looks from Klaus to Hope, Hope nods head, Caroline looks at Klaus and smiles, "Yes" Caroline says, Klaus leans down and Kisses Caroline softly Hope claps and kisses Caroline on her cheek then Hope does the same to Klaus, they both do the same to Hope, Hope tells Klaus to put her down, once he has done that they turn to where the others are stood, "congratulations, Caroline I do hope you know what your in for with Marrying Klaus" Kol says, "I know, but if he steps out of line then he won't be sleeping in the same bed as me" Caroline says, Bekah grabs Caroline's arm and they walk of before Klaus can say anything to what Caroline has said "I take it we have a weeding to plan" Bekah says, "Yes we do" Caroline says, Caroline looks over to where Jo and Marcel are stood with the kids watching them playing around with their magic, and she can't help but smile, at the carefree way the kids are after being held by Mikel, if she could she would've made his death more painful.


'm so happy i've gotten part 2 written, i hope you guys like it, i've tried doing this part a few different ways but its not worked out how I wanted it to, next up is the WEDDING.

and I think the next part will be last part to this book, i'm not sure yet.

Please vote and Comment-Jessica.

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