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A few days later.

"Mommy do we have to"? Hope asks me, as I finish doing her hair in a fishtail, tonight we are going over to Klaus' for a dinner party so that the others can meet Hope, Hope has put a fight since finding out she's calm for the moment, but Hope has told me over and over again that she's fine with just me, Klaus and maybe meeting her aunt Bekah, I've been telling Hope since the day i left Rebekah by herself to hold of the vampires that came for Hope.

"Sweetheart, nothing is going to happen, we are just going so that you can meet them, your family has missed you so so so much alright and if you have had enough we can leave" I tell her, "Your my mom" is the last thing Hope says before she stands up and leaves my room, it doesn't take long for me to get ready, Once ready, I make sure that I put a few things in a Hope's Backpack for her, Once i make it downstairs, I see that Hope is sat playing with a few of her dolls, when there's a knock at the front door, "That's Nik" Hope says, Klaus has told Hope to call him Nick because she can't say Klaus and she doesn't feel right to call Klaus dad at the moment, I still find it a bit crazy how Hope can tell people apart, guess its got something to do with her powers.

I open the door and let Klaus in, "Hello Love, how are you"? Klaus asks, "I see you haven't given up the nickname, and I'm fine" I say to Klaus, "Nope and i'm not going to give up and I'm glad your fine" Klaus says, "Hope is in the living room why don't you go to her while i get a few more things together for hope" I tell Klaus before making my way upstairs to Hope's room where her necklace is that Bonnie gave her.

"Well we best get going" I say to Klaus once i'm back downstairs, "I guess your right, but we could always skip and stay here just us 3" Klaus says, Hope looks at me, "We do that"? Hope asks, I would like nothing more then to stay here with just Hope and Klaus- what the hell are you thinking Caroline?.

"sorry sweetheart we can't stay but like I said earlier once you have had enough we will leave" I say to Hope, "Fine" Hope says and takes my hand.

It doesn't take long for Klaus to drive us to his house well mansion, I get out of the car and Klaus gets Hope out, "You ready"? Klaus asks, "Let's just get this over with" I answer, as we head inside.


Before Klaus leaves to go to Caroline's.

"Klaus can you please just tell us who it is that is coming"? Hayley asks, Klaus turns to look at Hayley and he either tell her that Caroline and Hope are the people that are coming to this dinner party or he can walk away from speaking to Hayley, Klaus goes for the first one because Klaus will no doubt end up killing Hayley if she so much as lay a hand on Caroline.

"It was going to be a surprise, but Hope is here in New Orleans" I say and everyone is shocked yet Happy, "Really and she's coming here"? Hayley asks, "Yes, Now I told Rebekah earlier on today so she can fill you in about where Hope has been these past 4 years seen as she has always known where Hope has been" Klaus says and if looks could kill Klaus thinks he would be dead with the look his baby sister is giving him.

Hayley and the rest of the family turn to Rebekah as Klaus slips away to go to Caroline's to get a bit of time with his Daughter and hopefully his soon to be Queen.

Klaus, Caroline and Hope has just got to the mansion.

Klaus makes sure that Hope is in the middle of him and Caroline as they make their way to the family room, where Hayley, Rebekah, Elijah and Davina, Rebekah is the first to see them and her eyes widen, Hayley and the others follow where Rebekah is looking and their eyes widen as well, "Auntie Bekah" Hope shouts really excitedly and runs to her, Rebekah leans down and picks up hope, "Oh Hope my sweet niece you are so beautiful" Rebekah tells Hope, "Thanks, who are they, Mommy couldn't tell  everything to do with them" Hope says and points to the others that she has seen, but Rebekah understands what Hope has said even though she can tell Hope has miss a word or two,  Hayley glares at Caroline, How dare Caroline gets her daughter to call her mommy.

Caroline walks over to Rebekah and takes Hope into her arms, "Hope, this is one of your uncles his name is Elijah (points at Elijah), This is a family friend Davina she's a witch (Points again to where Davina is standing), and this here is your real Mom Hayley (Points to where Hayley is stood next to Elijah trying to make it seem like she's not glaring at Caroline)" Caroline tells Hope, "nice meet you" Hope says to her family, even though the only family she thinks of is her mommy Caroline, Auntie Bonnie, Kate and Bekah and her dad Klaus, not sure about the others just yet.

"Dinner is ready, shall we go in"? Klaus says, everyone agrees, "everything will be fine Caroline" Klaus says to Caroline, "Really, you try having a female hybrid glare at you and if looks could kill i would be dead" Caroline answers, "Your right about that Caroline" Hayley voice says, "Hayley i warned you, you are not going to start anything not tonight are we clear" Klaus says, "if she was anyone else you would've killed her by now but because she's Caroline you've left her alive" Hayley says, Caroline goes to speak but before she can Its Rebekah speaks, "Hayley stop it, Caroline and Hope has come here so that Hope can get to know her family, but Caroline could've kept Hope from us which i think we all should be grateful that Caroline hasn't done that" Rebekah says, Hayley doesn't answer instead she looks at Caroline one more time before going to where Elijah is stood talking to Kol, I hope i can get through this dinner party without anything going wrong who am i kidding i'm having dinner with the Mikaelson's of course somethings going to happen, come on care just smile, you and Hope will be out of here soon enough, nothing to worry about.

How wrong I was to think that nothing would happen, Caroline thinks to herself later on as she and Kol are stood in front of Hope, while facing down Hayley in her wolf form, her eyes glowing bright gold, while glaring at Caroline, Can this night get any worst?.

part 6 wasn't sure how to end this chapter anyway, not sure when the next part will be done so hope you are happy with this chapter till i can get the part 7 done.

can't wait till the 27 of this month for Virgin River season 2 love the show going to start reading the soon, who else likes it?.

follow, vote and comment-Jesica.

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