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I sigh as I watch Klaus holding Dane one of Lana's sons up against the wall, "Klaus, will you please let go of Dane, he meant nothing by it" I say to hi and take a step closer, Klaus tightens his grip on Dane's neck once more before letting him go, Dane drops to the ground, "if you ever say that I only keep Caroline around to have sex, I will kill you and that is a promise" Klaus says before warping his arms around me and pulling me close so that my back is against his chest, "Now we think, Easter and Mikel are planning to attack sooner then later, but we are thinking its the next full moon which is in two days" Lana says "Wait that's on Friday, and its not just the full moon its also the red moon" i say, Klaus' arms tighten around me, "It will be fine Love" Klaus tells me, "how can you say that Klaus""? I ask him as I step away from him and turn to face him, "and I do mean it Caroline, everything will be fine" Klaus says and just by the tone of his voice I know he means that I will be locked somewhere with Hope, Lizzie and Josie while the rest of this lot sorts things out, "don't try locking me away till this is all over Klaus, we fight together" I tell him, I can tell he doesn't want me anyway near any fight, but he doesn't argue, "If anything goes wrong you run Caroline, you run till you get back to where the kids will be staying and then you run with them alright" Klaus says.

I lean up and kiss him softly, "I can agree to that" I tell him and I give Klaus a smile, later on after we've gone over the plan and where Easter and Mikel might attack from, Klaus and I head up to Hope's room where she's sat drawing she turns to face Klaus and I and in the next second her eyes turn gold with red in them, "Mommy, daddy everything will be just fine don't worry they won't win" Hope says, stopping me and Klaus in our tracks, before her eyes turn back to their normal colour which is a hazel colour.

"You are right with that princess" Klaus tells Hope as he walks over to sit with her, I stand for a few more minutes just watching them, this is my family and I will do what I have to to keep them safe, I go over to them and I sit down on the other side of Hope Klaus looks up and give me a smile, I can't help be return the smile, Yes if I have to kill to make sure mine and Klaus's daughter is safe then that is what i'll do.


Katherine is laying on her bed when there's a knock on the door, If its not Hope, Caroline or Bonnie or the twins i'm closing the door, Katherine gets up of the bed and goes over to the door and she opens it to find Elijah standing there with Hope, Oh fuck no, he doesn't get to use my niece to speak to me, "aunt Kate, will you come with me and Elijah to get ice cream"? Hope asks her aunt, "did you come up with the idea for ice cream yourself or was it Elijah, because i'm not speaking with to him"? Katherine asks back, it takes Hope a minute to answer she reaches for Katherine and Katherine takes Hope from Elijah, and Hope Looks at her uncle, "I'm sorry Uncle but you have to be a big boy and talk to aunt Kate yourself, but I still do want the ice cream" Hope says, "Well i'm in the mood for some cookies and cream ice cream what are you in the mood for" Katherine asks as she steps into the hallway, "I want chocolate and mint, Uncle Elijah is going to have the mint ice cream" Hope says, "Well we best be going then" Katherine says and gives a smile to Elijah.


"Ready or not here I came" Caroline calls after she's finished counting to 25 as Hope, Lizzie and Josie have hidden, after ten minutes of looking there's still no sign of them where could they have gone to Caroline thinks to herself, no sooner had Caroline thought that then she hears a piercing scream, Caroline runs to where the scream is coming from and she finds Hope, Lizzie and Josie standing over Freya's body that is laying on the floor in the library, "girls what happened"? Caroline asks, "we found her in here, her eyes opened and she said Easter" Lizzie answers while looking at Caroline in Fear, "Girls, I need you to run to mine and Klaus' room can you do that for me, Hope will show you where to to go alright, and whatever you do, do not make a sound" Caroline says while looking at all 3 girls.

If Easter is here then that means Mikel is where Klaus, Kol, Davina, Ric and Bonnie are, Jo, Marcel, Hayley and Bekah are with the wolves.

"You can't win Caroline".

Caroline hears Easter's voice from behind her, she turns and there Easter is stood near the Window Before Caroline can move Easter moves her hand and Caroline fly's backwards across the room into the wall then slammed onto the floor, Fuck that hurt, Caroline thinks as she get her bearings back and jumps up the room spins for a few seconds, "what do you want"? Caroline asks Easter, "I want to get rid of my children, but I think hurting the ones they love is a more ideal plan" Easter answers, "What do you mean by that"? Caroline asks, Play it cool Forbes you have faced worst people then the woman standing in front of you.

"You know Easter I don't blame your children for wanting you dead, I mean you never did keep them safe from Mikel so how dare you stand there and say that you are a mother" Caroline says Easter doesn't blink or say anything she just stays where she's stood, when within the next minute Easter screams, and falls to the floor, Caroline eyes widen when she sees Lizzie and Josie holding onto Easter siphoning her magic from her, the twins let go of her and Lizzie says a spell and Easter falls forward while Josie says another spell that wakes Freya up, "Go Caroline" Freya says it take Caroline only a few seconds to pick both girls up and runs at vamp speed to where Hope is, "Mommy"? Hope asks where she's stood in Klaus' art room, "come on we don't have long but we are speaking later why you didn't go to mine and Klaus' room to hide" Caroline says to her daughter, Caroline gets her, Hope, Lizzie and Josie outside of the mansion no sooner then she has put the 3 girls down she senses someone is watching them, she turns so she's blocking Hope, Lizzie and Josie with her body and she lets out a gasp when she sees who's in front of her "Hello Caroline" Mikel says to Caroline making her push the 3 girls back a step Caroline only takes one step before everything turns black.

Wasn't sure where to leave this part but I think i've done a good enough job at this part, part 14 will be out when I get around to writing it, hopefully you guys won't have to wait long but until then I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I have another Klaroline book called.

One I've Been Missing.

which is different stories to do with Caroline and Klaus.

Please follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

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