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The Next day-Saturday 18th of June 2016.

"Mama who we meet"? Hope asks her mama as they leave the house to go Rousseau's to Meet Klaus, once Caroline has closed and locked the door she bends down so she's eye to eye with Hope, "Hope we are meeting with your dad Klaus" Caroline tells Hope, while thinking please don't let hope have a magic fit.

Hope eyes glow very light gold before they go back to normal, "he won't take me from u"? Hope asks, "what no of course he won't sweetie but I know how much he has missed you and I know he wants to meet you" Caroline tells her daughter, because Hope is her daughter and nothing will change that.

They make it to Rousseau's, once inside Caroline sees that Klaus is already sat at the table, "Right sweetie do you remember what i've told you"? Caroline asks Hope, "Kind of" her daughter answers, Well that's better then nothing, Caroline thinks as she and Hope make their way to where Klaus is sat, Klaus looks up as Caroline and Hope walks over to him and he can't help but think how beautiful they both look.

"Caroline Love you look beautiful as always and who is this beautiful girl" Klaus says as Caroline helps her daughter to sit down then she sits beside her, "Klaus This is Andrea, Andrea this is my old friend Klaus" Caroline says, "Its very nice to Meet the parson that has stole Caroline's heart" Klaus says to Andrea, Andrea/Hope looks at Klaus, "do you have sisters, brothers"? Andrea asks, Klaus takes a second to answer, "Yes, I have two sisters, and four brothers but one of them isn't here anymore" Klaus tells the little girl.

later after they have finished their breakfast, they go to the park to the playground so that Andrea/Hope can play while Caroline tells Klaus who Andrea really is, "Caroline what is it that you need to tell me"? Klaus asks His love.

after a few minutes of Caroline not saying anything Klaus starts to Worry before Caroline speaks, "Klaus, your daughter Hope isn't dead, or missing" Caroline tells Klaus, Klaus sharply turns to look at, "Caroline don't mess with me so tell me how the hell would you know" Klaus says and even though he tries to keep his voice soft, he knows the words come out sharper then he meant, "Davina got me to Help Rebekah look after Hope, one day vampires came and Rebekah told me to run with Hope and never look back, so that's what I did" Caroline says, "Andrea is Hope"? Klaus asks after a while of thinking things through, Caroline faces Klaus after making sure Hope is alright with the few kids she's playing with, "Yes, she's such a lovely girl, I've told her about you and her family" Caroline says, "So she knew who I was who I am"? Klaus asks, "Yes, do you want to properly meet your daughter" Caroline says to Klaus, A smile breaks out on Klaus' face, "Yes I do" Klaus finally says.

After all this time I'm going to meet my daughter and she's been with Caroline all this time I'll have words with my sister and Davina about getting Caroline to help she shouldn't have had to deal with this but I wouldn't choose anyone else to look after and love Hope then Caroline.

"So your my dad"? Hope asks Klaus, "Yes, I've been looking all over for you my littlest wolf" Klaus answers his daughter, "Hope why don't you give Klaus a hug" Caroline says to Hope, Hope looks from her to Klaus before Hope puts her arms up, Klaus picks up Hope and holds her close, after a minute Klaus puts Hope down, Hope keeps looking at her dad Klaus, "Is something wrong Hope"? Klaus asks, "Your not taking me from mommy" Hope says while looking at Klaus, "Hope no one is going to take you from your mommy if they try they will have to go through me" Klaus says while looking at Hope, Hope smiles, "That's good" Hope says before going back to playing.

"I do mean it Caroline no one is going to tear you and hope apart" Klaus tells his love, "I know you say it like it shouldn't bother me but Klaus, Hayley will want to get to know her dauhter and I'm not going to stand in the way of that, no matter how much it will hurt" Caroline says, "Caroline, Hayley isn't the one who has raised Hope for the last four years you have, and Hope isn't going to give you up willing" Klaus tells Caroline, Caroline gives Klaus a smile, Maybe there is hope that I can stay in Hope's life, Caroline thinks to herself as she stands next to Klaus watching Hope play just for now they don't have to worry about the people that are after Hope.

Didn't know how to end this part 5, hope you guys liked it next part will take a while to write.

follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

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