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"Klaus i am telling you the truth something is wrong with me" Hayley says, from where she's sitting, "Look i'm not Happy that Hope haven't been with us these past 4 years but Caroline is a good pure-hearted soul who i'm thankful for taking our daughter and keeping her safe" Hayley says, "She's been spelled" Hayley and Klaus hear Caroline's voice, Klaus turns around and sees her standing in the doorway, "Caroline, love how did you get here"? Klaus asks, Caroline glares at Klaus, "I asked Kol and Freya is here to see if she can break it, you and I will talk later" Caroline says before leaving, "Klaus go after her" Freya says as she and Elijah steps into the cell Hayley is in, Klaus looks at Hayley once more before he goes after Caroline.

"Caroline please" Klaus says as he looks at his Queen, well his soon to be queen, "You could have at least put Hayley in a bedroom and locked her there till you/we figured it out" Caroline says, "I'm sorry, love I won't do things like this ever again" Klaus says, "your on your way to be forgiven but you not quite there yet" Caroline says and she looks Klaus up and down but she make sure Klaus doesn't see, "what can i do my queen"? Klaus asks, "I'm sure you will think of something Klaus, now I have to go and meet Rebekah, Davina and Hope at some dress shop" Caroline says.

"Rebekah, Hayley didn't hurt me or Hope so please will you stop" Caroline says, "Look, Caroline i get you want to believe in everyone goodness but Hayley well she's bitch" Rebekah answers, "Look no matter what anyone thinks Hayley is Hope's rightful mother and she has the right to know Hope" Caroline tells Rebekah, Sooner then later I'll have to step back and let Hayley take her rightful place as being Hope's mom, but until then I'm going to take these moments with Hope and keep them with me always.

"Mommy something is wrong with Nick" Hope's voice brings Caroline out of her thoughts, Caroline looks at her and sees fear in hope eyes, "What do you mean something is wrong"? Caroline asks her, "I don't know but something of" Hope says before she starts crying, "Davina do you have any idea"? Caroline asks, Davina answers she has no clue, "Davina keep Hope with you, Rebekah come on we have to save Klaus from whatever has happened or is about to happen" Caroline says, before she and Rebekah make their way to the Mikaelson's home.

"Caroline, wait" Davina calls, Caroline stops and turns around to face Davina, "Hope has showed me something, there's a woman and she's put something in Klaus' drink you need to hurry" Davina says.


"Is this wise Brother"? Elijah asks, "No but if it's what's going to keep Caroline and Hope then i'm all for it" I answer, Elijah my dear brother just looks at me in shock, Caroline makes me a slightly better person when she's around, Caroline is my queen of lightness with a bit of darkness, and I love her.

"Nicklaus, do you care for Miss Forbes more then you let show"? Elijah asks, "It would suit you well Elijah if you say no more about Caroline and what she means to me after all I can hunt down your lovely Katherine and kill her" I tell him, Elijah looks at me, "you can do that Nicklaus, but then I don't think Miss Forbes or your daughter Hope will speak to you" Elijah tells me before he leaves the library, Damn it.

an hour later I hear footsteps walking up the stairs, no doubt its Cami the footsteps are to light to be anyone else's and Caroline's footsteps are lighter then Cami's, "Cami what can I help you with"? I ask her as she comes into view, "nothing much just came by to see how your doing, we've not talk these past few days" Cami answers and gives a smile, "Well i've been busy" I answer, There's no why in hell am i telling her anything about Caroline and Hope not a chance.

"Is everything alright Klaus"? Cami asks, I let out a sigh, "yes Cami everything is alright but i some things that i must do so please show yourself out" I tell her trying not to snap at her, She's been really clingy and annoying the last few times i've been around her, sometimes i wish i've never met her.

Please, I'm the Queen"  KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now