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Everything was going alright Everyone were asking me questions about how Hope has been through the years, Davina and Rebekah are talking to Hope about the things she likes and how far along she is with her powers, "Aunt Bonnie has been teaching me, I healed a butterfly yesterday morning, and I can do this can you hold out your hand Davina please" Hope asks, Davina holds her hand out to hope, Hope puts her hand on Davina's and mutters a few words Davina and Hope's hands glow a soft gold Once the light has gone Hope moves her hand away from Davina's, in Davina's hand are two flowers, "That's really great Hope" Kol is the one to speak, "Thank you, Aunt Bonnie says I can do great things if i put my mind to it" Hope says, "Well your aunt Bonnie sounds like she knows what she is saying"  Kol says, "She does know" Hope says before turning to me, "Mommy, can we facetime Aunt Bonnie"? Hope asks, out of the corner of my eye I see Hayley giving me a look, "tomorrow we can" I answer.

"What cake is it"? Hope asks Klaus, "Chocolate cake" Klaus answers, "With Ice cream"? Hope asks, Klaus looks at me before he answers, I nod my head telling him its alright, "yes Hope Chocolate cake and ice cream" Klaus tells her, "Yes, thank you" Hope says.

Hayley through out the dinner hasn't talked much, Elijah has talked a bit to Hope and I Marcel has asked the odd question here and there, Freya has answered some of Hope's questions and we've talked a bit she seems really nice, Kol, Davina, Bekah and Klaus have done the most talking.

Once we've finished with dessert, Kol asks if Hope would like to look at the flowers in the garden, Hope agrees but only if I go with her, what kol or I didn't know was that Hayley was following us, after around 10 minutes of walking around the garden with Kol talking to Hope about her magic and also Kol has told me he has never blamed me for his death, because by now I have thought why Kol hasn't done anything.

"Mommy, Mommy Look at this" Hope says as she points to a Rose, I go to say something but Hayley's voice stops me, "She's not your mother I am".

I turn around and see that Hayley is stood a few feet away from us, "She is, she's nice and she won't make me leave Like your trying to do" Hope says, "Hayley calm down, we can talk this over inside" I tell her, "Mommy it's cold" Hope says as she holds my hand, that seems to push Hayley over the edge, because the next thing I know there's a wolf stood where Hayley was standing a minute ago, fuck this isn't going to end well, I move Hope Behind me and Kol moves so he's standing slightly in front of me and Hope, Hayley growls as Kol moves.

Flashback ends.

Before Kol or I can do anything Hayley is knocked away from us and a black/dark blue wolf is stood in front of Kol, Hope and I, no not just any wolf  its Klaus.

Hayley in her wolf form leans back and goes to jump at Klaus, but before she can reach Klaus Hayley drops to the floor and Rebekah is stood there, "Come on Caroline lets get you and Hope back inside i've got cups of hot chocolate waiting for us to have while they guys and Davina sort out Hayley" Rebekah says, i turn around and pick up Hope I make sure her face isn't looking at Hayley's wolf form as i walk by to follow Rebekah back inside the mansion.

"Hayley's a bitch, she knows that now your here she hardly has a say to do with anything, and seen as you have raised Hope since she was only a few days old she's taking all her anger and hurt out on you, I can kind of understand where she's coming from, but sooner or later she's going to end up dead with how she's being" Rebekah tells me as we are sat on the settee in the family room watching Hope colouring, "I don't get it why"? I ask after taking a sip of my hot chocolate, "Why?, Because Klaus is the king of New Orleans and people knows he's got some pretty lady who he likes so much so they've nicknamed the woman Klaus' Queen" Rebekah says, "And what does that have to do with me"? I ask, Rebekah looks at me like i've asked the most insane question ever, "Caroline, your Klaus' Queen, please will you just admit how you feel about my brother and be the Queen of New Orleans and put Hayley in her place, please" Rebekah says, "I don't know what to say" I say, And i don't, me thinking what it would be like to be a princess when I was younger to now knowing that I could be queen of New Orleans if I admit to myself how I feel about Klaus, but am i cut out to be queen let alone a Mikaelson?.

"Hayley is taken care of for the time being when she wakes me and Elijah are going to have a nice talk with her" Klaus says as he comes into the room, he walks over to where i'm sat and kneels down in front of me, he holds both of my hands in his, "are you alright"? Klaus asks, I see Elijah, Kol, Marcel and Davina standing around and they all look shock, Not sure why though, "I'm fine but I think I should get Hope and go because we both could do with some sleep" I answer, Before Klaus can say anything Rebekah jumps in and says that me and Hope can stay here for the night, "I don't know Rebekah, Hope and I have no clothes with us" I say, "No need to worry I got a few things for Hope and you as well Love" Klaus says as he stands up, I know Rebekah and Klaus aren't going to stop till I agree so I'll ask Hope.

"Hope sweetie can you come here for a minute I want to ask you something" I say to her, Hope stops colouring and comes over to me, "Hope do you want to stay the night here or do you want to go home"? I ask her, "Stay"? Hope says but it sound more like a question, "Right then, Klaus where will Hope and I sleep I mean i know you may have done a room up for Hope but, I need Hope to stay with me tonight" I say to him, there's a hint of smile on Klaus' face, "Follow me" Klaus says, I pick Hope up once she has said night to everyone and I follow Klaus up the stairs, "I hope you don't mind staying in my room for the night Caroline" Klaus says and gives me a smile, "Hope and I can stay in a guest room, Klaus you don't need to give up your room" I answer, "Please Caroline, I need to know that Hope and you are going to be fine and this is the only way I know that you two will be fine" Klaus says making me look at him, I can see on Klaus' face that what he is feeling he doesn't understand how to act, "Alright Hope and I will stay" I finally say, "thank you love" Klaus says, he gets me one of his shirts to sleep in and some pj's that he's gotten Hope for Hope to change into, After he says night to Hope, He looks at me for a minute before I feel Klaus' lips on mine, only for a few seconds before he stands back, "Night love" Klaus says and he leaves the bedroom before I can process what has happened, Damn Klaus and His kiss, but hell I wold like more then to just kiss him.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts of Klaus from my head and I change hope into her pj's and I get her settled under the covers of Klaus' bed before I change into the light blue shirt Klaus left for me to wear, I check my phone and I see i have no missed text's or phone calls from Bonnie or Kate which is a good thing, I turn my phone of and get into the bed on the other side of Hope, I see that Hope is already asleep, I kiss the side of hope's head and I lay down, Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day who am i kidding, with the Mikaelson's in mine and Hope's life something is bound to go wrong tomorrow.

Part 7 please let me know what you think, now I don't know when i'll get the next part down because I'm not feeling to well at the minute, so I'm thinking of taking a little break, and i've got an idea for a new Caroline and Klaus book that i'm going to be working on sometime soon.

what do you guys think of Hayley, would like to know your thoughts about her?.

follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

Please, I'm the Queen"  KlarolineWhere stories live. Discover now