14-Part 1

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"I want them found" Klaus says, after he and the others got back they last night they found Freya standing over Easter's body, but no sight of Caroline or the kids, "and we will find them, Klaus but you need to feed, your no use to Caroline or the kids while your like this" Bekah tells her brother, Kol hands Klaus a glass of blood, then hands him another one once he's finished the first glass, "we're going to try a different location spell, Klaus we need your blood" Freya says as she, Jo and Alaric come walking into the living room in compound Freya is holding 2 things, "Really, how the hell is this going to help with finding where the kids and Caroline are"? Klaus asks, "you and Hope are linked because Hope is your daughter, and even though its faint you and Caroline still have a blood bond" Freya answers shocking everyone, Klaus included, Klaus bites his wrist and the blood drops on to the necklace that is Hope's and the bracelet that Klaus gave Caroline, She kept it all this time, I mean Caroline did tell me but i've not seen it till now.

It doesn't take long for Freya's spell to work, "their in some sort of cottage deep in New Orleans woods" Freya says, "What are we waiting for, let's go and get them back, and hopefully make sure our dear mother stays dead" Bekah says, making everyone look at her, "What"? she asks, "nothing Bekah just that you don't really like talking about our mother like that" Elijah says before Klaus can speak, "Well, I agree with our dear sister, what are we doing just standing here, let's go and get Caroline and the kids back" Kol says, while he's stood next to Davina.

"Come on then" Klaus says and he's the first one out of the door with the others following him.

Caroline stands in front of Hope, Lizzie and Josie so that Mikel can't get to them, who am I kidding Mikel could kill me before I can even blink, but there's no way i'm going to let him get to my daughter or god daughters.

"Sweet sweet Caroline, do you really think you can keep them 3 girls safe and away from me"? Mikel asks but Caroline doesn't answer, Mikel give her a minute before he backhands her, Caroline bites her lip to keep from crying out but isn't successfully, Mikel lets out a laugh, "leave mommy alone" Hope says and the next thing Caroline knows Mikel lands at the other side of the room on the floor, Caroline turns and looks at Hope, Lizzie and Josie each take one of Hope's hands and they start chanting a spell, "the meanie won't be moving anytime soon, can I kick him where it will hurt" Lizzie says, making Caroline laugh, there's only Lizzie who would say something like that.

"Girls stay close by me, we have to get out of here" Caroline says, Caroline keeps an eye on Mikel as she makes her way to the door of the room she and the girls have been kept in, Caroline pulls the handle down but it doesn't open, Well if it won't open I'll kick it down, "girls stand back please" Caroline says, the three girls stand back and in the next second the door is knocked down, "your mom is so cool" Caroline hears Lizzie say to Hope and Josie agreeing with her, "my mom is the best" Hope answers, "well she's the Queen of New Orleans which means she's better then the king" Josie says, "even though the king is my dad, I totally agree" Hope says, Caroline is left feeling shocked, after hearing what the three girls have just said, Am I Queen material?, no time to answer that yet Caroline you have to get Hope, Lizzie, Josie and yourself away from here.

"Girls, stay close by me" Caroline says, they walk out of the room and they stop dead when to the right and left are stairs, "Which way"? Josie asks, "Left" Caroline says, "we're in a big cabin in the woods" Lizzie says, fuck that's not good at all.

Caroline and the girls make their way to the downstairs and Caroline sees a door, before she can get to the door with Hope, Lizzie and Josie, the door is opened just as she feels a hand grip her hair pulling her backwards, Caroline lets out a gasp, before she can move she feels something at her throat.

"Let her go" Caroline hears Klaus' voice from the door way, Caroline looks to where Klaus is stood and she sees Hope, Lizzie and Josie stood with Hayley, Jo and Marcel, Caroline looks back to Klaus and sees nothing but Love, fear and anger in his eyes, Klaus will always come for me, and hope, nothing will stop either of us from saving each other our love is enough.

I feel so bad about not updating till now, last time I updated was in March, I've not been able to get this part right until now, and its took me some time to get this done.

I hope you've enjoyed reading part.

Part 2 will hopefully be September.

please follow, vote and comment-Jessica.

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