"Where is Hope, Davina" Hayley shouts as she, Klaus and Elijah have just killed 14 vampires, "Look i can't say for Hopes safety but please just know she's with someone who Klaus and Elijah knows" Davina answers, Davina is ready if they try and attack her to find out more, "Our sister" Elijah says, making Klaus and Hayley look at him, "what, Davina did you give Hope to Rebekah"? Klaus asks, well demands, "Because Hope is safe with Rebekah" Davina says, "why would you do that hope is safe here i'm her mother" Hayley says, the next thing Klaus and Elijah see is Hayley falling to the floor well she would have if Elijah didn't catch her, "sorry, but Hayley needs to know when to stop talking so i snapped her neck" Davina tells Klaus and elijah before walking away leaving Klaus and Elijah with Hayley.


"Rebekah you can't keep leaving me here with Hope" Caroline says as Rebekah gets her jacket on, "Caroline, I'm the only one out of the 2 of us who can get away from danger a lot more better then you, so please please stay here and look after Hope" Rebekah says to the baby vampire who after a week together knows Caroline is the one her brother Nicklaus told her about, "fine but bring back a chocolate cream from Starbucks please" Caroline says, "sure thing Caroline".

as soon as Rebekah leaves Hope wakes up crying, Caroline lets out a sigh before making her way to where Hope is "I'm here baby girl, nothings going to happen" Caroline says softly to Hope as she picks her up and rocks Hope in her arms to settle her, before heading to the kitchen to make her a bottle of warm milk.

around 12:30 Rebekah walks through the front door with shopping bags and two Starbucks drinks and a cookies and cream brownie each, "So what did you get this time"? Asks Caroline as she helps Rebekah with the bags, "some food and some clothes for us" Rebekah answers, once the food have been put away they take their drink and brownie into the living room where they sit down, "How has Hope been"? Rebekah asks she loves her niece and she knows Caroline even though she won't admit it just yet loves Hope as well.

"Hope has been alright nothing to worry about just yet" Caroline answers after she's eaten a bit of the brownie, "you would make a good mom Caroline" Rebekah tells Caroline, "I don't know about that" Caroline answers, "anyway, we are going to have to leave here in the next two weeks" Rebekah says once she's finished her drink, "what why"? Caroline asks, "because we stay in this place to long because there are more witches and soon they will know something isn't right with us" Rebekah answers, Caroline let's out a sigh because she knows Rebekah is right even though she doesn't want to leave because this is a nice house and a nice town they are in but to keep Hope safe then she will do anything to help keep her Safe.

Part 2 please let me know what you think.

vote and comment-Jessica.

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