The next day.

Caroline smiles as Hope spins around in the outfit that Rebekah has gotten her, which is a blue skirt, purple long sleeve top with little blue flowers all over it, and her shoes are purple trainers with a silver colour to them, and Rebekah has done Hope's hair in a ponytail, She's beautiful Caroline thinks to herself, "Hope why don't you go with Auntie Bekah while I get ready" Caroline says to Hope, the child stops spinning and gives her mommy a smile before she takes her aunt's hand and they leave the room so that Caroline can get dressed.

Once Caroline is dressed in the light blue jeans, blue vest top, jean jacket and black flat shoes she leaves Klaus' room and makes her way downstairs to the kitchen where she finds Hope talking with Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah, Caroline stops just in the doorway and smiles, "So out of me and your aunt Bonnie who do you like best"? Rebekah asks Hope, "I like both equally plus I have aunt Kate as well" Hope answers, Caroline can tell Rebekah is a bit put out with what Hope has said but not a lot.

Caroline steps into the kitchen and Klaus is the first one to see her, "Caroline how are you"? Klaus asks, "I'm fine" Caroline answers, and takes the cup of coffee from Rebekah, "Nick, Elijah, I need to speak with you two for a minute" Rebekah says while looking at her brothers, "we'll be back" Klaus says.

"Mommy can we call Aunt Kate"? Hope asks once Klaus and the others have left the kitchen, "i don't see why not" Caroline says, Caroline gets her phone and calls Kate.

"What the hell are you doing about Hayley, look i get it she's Hope's mother but she hasn't been acting like a mother these last few months" Rebekah says to her two brothers as they are stood in the library, "We are waiting for Hayley to wake up and then Elijah and I are going to have a nice talk with her" Klaus answers his sister's question.

 "Fine but if anything happens to Caroline or Hope because of Hayley I will end her" Rebekah says and both brothers know she means every word she has just said, "Come Nicklaus, we have things to talk about with Miss Forbes" Elijah says.

As the two brothers make their way back to the kitchen where Caroline and Hope are still at, the brothers come to a stop when they hear a familiar voice they know all to well, "Yes Caroline I will try to come and see you and my lovely Niece but please tell me Klaus isn't going to try and kill me" Katherine's voice says, "Look Katherine nothing will happen to you and I will make sure of it" Caroline says, "Alright fine and by they thanks again for getting me back from the other side" Katherine says, Elijah and Klaus wait a few more minutes till Caroline is done speaking with Katherine before walking into the kitchen, "Hello Love, who was that you were speaking to" Klaus says to Caroline, Caroline rolls her eyes, Like he doesn't know who i was talking to, Caroline thinks to herself, "Well if you must know I was talking to my best friend Katherine but you know who Katherine is don't Klaus" Caroline says to Klaus, "Nick, you know Aunt Kate"? Hope asks Klaus, making Klaus look from Caroline to his daughter.

"Yes I do Sweetheart" Klaus answers, "Caroline do you want me to take Hope while you talk to Klaus and Elijah"? Rebekah asks from where she's stood in the door way of the kitchen, "Klaus let Katherine go" Caroline says to Klaus as soon as Hope has gone with Rebekah, "What no Caroline I am not going to do such a thing" Klaus says, "So you would kill someone that is apart of your daughter's family, Hope loves her aunt Kate" Caroline says and she stares Klaus down, Elijah just looks shocked between both Caroline and Klaus, This female vampire must really mean something to Niklaus, anyone else would be dead by now.

Klaus lets out a breath before he hugs Caroline tight against him, "Alright, i'll let her go, and she can be happy with whoever she wants" Klaus says while looking at Caroline, Elijah heart jumps with happiness, Caroline smiles at Klaus and she leans up and kisses him, Elijah turns and as he leaves the kitchen he can't help but smile.

Later on.

"Are you sure Klaus will be mine"? Cami asks the witch in the graveyard they are standing in, "yes you only need to put this in his drink and there done he will be yours and not that Blonde's from Mystic Falls" the witch answers, "Thanks" Cami says and takes the small bag from the witch, Oh Klaus you will finally be mine, and not that Blonde vampires and we will be a happy family, Cami thinks to herself as she leaves the the graveyard while planning how to get Klaus alone, Oh yes this will work and besides after what i've done to Hayley there's not that many people i need to take down, till Klaus is really mine and nothing will come between us.

Part 8 is short I know but what the hell is is Cami planning, Never liked her, and what has she done to Hayley so many Questions but not enough answers?.

not that sure if I've like how i've ended this part I may change in the next few days.

part 9 will be written and hopefully posted before Christmas.

Follow, Vote and comment-Jessica.

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