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Saturday Night
Picture: Aaron

The past week has been restless.

Tasharn is in a coma. A coma.

We've all visited him at the hospital. Brandon, Rakai and the others have been making endless calls and trips to find out who shot him. Everyone is confused. We might not find out who did it until he wakes up.

On top of that, the boys have had a disgusting attitude. Brandon even got into an argument with Shantae yesterday. I get that they're stressed about Tasharn but they need to stop shouting at us. All of us are upset about Tasharn.

Today I decided to go to Ama's house with Danielle, wanting to be away from the sad environment. When Danielle heard about Tasharn, she came to see him too. Everyone's scared he won't wake up. Until we get to the bottom of this, nothing is gonna be the same.

I ring the doorbell.

"Wahgwan my g?" Joe answers the door.

My cemented frown transforms into a smile, as I see my cousin standing before me. I didn't know he would be here today! That's my big cousin. I haven't seen him or his brothers in ages. They're grown men now lol. I give him a big hug.

"I've missed you! How's adult life?" I ask.

He finished uni this year and started a 9-5. Him and his brothers are good guys, street smart but not street involved. The best type of niggas.

He chuckles. "It's calm."

I nod, then step out of the hug. "Where's David and Stephen?"

"Upstairs in S' room."

I squeal and run up the stairs. Even though they all bully me, I actually love them. Danielle stays downstairs, catching up with Joe.

I slam S' door open.

"GANG GANG GANG!" I immediately jump on David, who is sitting on the bed.

"Hey hey calm down!" He chuckles.

"I haven't seen you lot in ages! Why do you guys have to live so far for?!"

"Erm excuse me! You don't get this excited when you see me?!" S says, clutching his chest.

I laugh. "That's coz you like attacking me! Stephen you need to beat him up!"

Stephen laughs. "Who do you think taught him?"

I kiss my teeth, I forgot they're all the same. Aggressive. Kmt.

After about an hour of catching up, Ama pops her head round the door. "Guys I'm hungry."

Everyone ignores her. Stephen and S are watching TV.

Ama repeats herself. "I'M HUNGRY!"

S dismisses her with his hand. "There's rice downstairs."

She scoffs. "But I want McDonald's!"

"And I want a million pounds."

She huffs and folds her arms, standing in front of the TV. I chuckle, she's fully acting like a kid.


"Not until someone buys me McDonald's."

S throws the remote, it hits her smack bang in her forehead.


Him and Stephen spud each other laughing. David gets up and puts an arm around her.

"Leave her alone! Come Ama, I'll buy you McDonald's."

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