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Wednesday, Afternoon

My last teacher let us out early so I get to science before the bell rings. I'm happy to be the first one to be honest, saves me from the anxiety of people staring as new people walk in.

"Make sure you choose a seat you're willing to stay in for the rest of term, the seating plan will be fixed from today." Miss says as I walk in.

I nod then sit at the start of the front row. I realise whenever I sit at the back I end up getting distracted. That's where the unserious candidates sit, like Zanisha. She literally never focuses in lesson. Flicking elastic bands, making scooby doo bracelets, plaiting people's hair, anything but the work set. One time she cornrowed the whole of a guy in our classes head in a single period of English. Usually she finishes her work early then finds something annoying to do. The privilege of being a genius lol.

When the bell rings, people start flooding the classroom. Miss reiterates what she said to me about the seating plan as they come in. I stare out the window, taking in my surroundings.

2 floors up, 1 exit.

It would be deadly to be trapped in this room. Whenever I enter a room, I make an escape plan in my head. You never know what could happen. It's a paranoid way to live, but I can't help it. Look what happened in form last year. And with no sign of Mayhem still, I'm still on the alert. He's either planning something or hiding coz he's shook. I'd rather the second option.

"Are you made of uranium and iodine? Coz I can see U and I together." Neal says as he sits down, blocking my view from the window.

"Hahaha you're so funny." I say then roll my eyes.

Turns out that Bradford is a mixed school, so unfortunately there's boys in our classes now. Neal is some black guy in my science class. I know him by name but we haven't spoken properly before. You know those guys that eye you up but don't say anything, that's him. Why he's chosen to sit next to me today no-one knows.

He chuckles and gets his planner out his bag to leave it on the desk. I forgot we're supposed to do that, I get mine out too.

"I know I am." He replies.

"Yeah whatever, I don't even understand what you said."

He chuckles "Basically, on the periodic table the symbol for Uranium is U and the symbol for Iodine is I."


"Don't worry, I can tutor you if you want." He winks.

I chuckle "I'm good, my boyfriend's sick at science. That's how I got in this set."

"Really? I don't remember coming to your house."

I roll my eyes and decide not to respond. Cheeky.

"Are you airing man? Say nuttin, I still got my ion you."


He bursts out laughing.

I chuckle and shake my head, this guy is jarring.

"No Kyrah you can't, you've already chosen your seat. But you've just reminded me, do you have your report?"

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