Chapter fifty

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I don't particularly remember what happened later into the night. Though it makes me cringe to admit I think I may have danced on one of the tables but, I'm not certain. All I know is by the time I woke up I was in a cell on my own. Clearly they didn't see me as to bigger threat since my wrists were only loosely tied and I didn't see a guard. Pirates, not the brightest bunch. Then again they did outsmart us.

I spoke through the force while beginning to work at freeing my hands up. I could sense him master Kenobi and Dooku and so just assumed they were all being held together somewhere. I'm sure that's a lovely cell to be around, my fiancé my father and...well Obi wan. Poor poor Obi Wan.

'(Y/n)! You're awake, where are you?!' Anakin called through the force after no time at all sounding greatly relieved. I smiled a bit to myself at the sound of his voice in my head, pulling my wrists from loose bindings and rubbing the sore patches.

'Some cell, I'll be out in a second to save your sorry behind don't worry.'
I responded while quietly shuffling to the door and peering out to check the cost was clear.

'Be careful'
He responded like always causing me to roll my eyes.

'You know I will'
And with that last thought I waved my hand in front of the electronic lock and set myself free, stretching as I walked out with a smug grin. Bending forward I reached my hand down the side of my boot and pulled the dagger free. Twirling the small blade round in my fingers I smirked. These pirates where soon to learn not to underestimate a quiet woman.

Carefully I made my way down the hall towards the direction I heard voices coming from. Narrowing my eyes I scanned the nearby hall and watched the pirates passing around the room seeming to be very pleased with themselves over capturing the Sith Lord and two Jedi. Still surely one Jedi could outsmart a bunch of pirates.

Well apparently not...

Sneaking through the shadows I approached the leader himself Hondo's table. It a lot of ways it worked to my advantage they were all half drunk, it meant I could slip by nearly completely unseen. Now came the eventful part, I needed to get their attention in such a way that wouldn't lead to me getting immediately shot. Luckily I had a plan.

"Right! No body move!" I shouted across the room while holding my dagger to the lead pirates throat while my other arm locked round to hold him in place. The whole room went quiet apart from the readying of blaster, all sights set somewhere upon me.

"Nobody shoot! This just got interesting," Honda announced across to the crowd of angry looking pirates. Though confused I was also pleased and began to move the pair of us round the table and back towards the exit. "So, something tells me you are no translator." The pirate spoke as I kept my eyes on the others, weary they may try something at any given moment.

"Nope, but I know near every language so don't try asking for help." I commented before sensing as someone attempted to fire a shot my way. Me eyes shot open as I spun round and flung a hand out stopping the laser mere millimetres before it hit me. However in my effort to not get shot I failed to notice a presence behind me, sweeping my feet from under me causing my body to fall and crumple to the floor as the blaster bolt sped by overhead. Yet again before I could even react I felt a kick to my stomach and cried out in pain, flailing on the floor and hugging my knees up towards my chest with a whimper and cringe. The foot then slammed down on my abdomen holding me in place on the floor as the dagger clattered from my grip.

"Another Jedi? They lied to us," I heard Hondo say with surprise and something like disappointment. "Oh well, toss her in with the others." He then added as hands reached down to grip my arms. In a last attempt to break free I kick the pirate to my side right in the gut, watching him topple. However before I could fully break free something hit me in the back of the head, the world spinning before going completely black.

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