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Hello, I wanted to make it known that I am working as hard as I can on the next chapter ky time has just recently become divided. Due to the current world crisis I've been working to do my bit and collect up items to be sent to help the people displaced from Ukraine. Given the circumstances I wanted to do my bit to try and help and urge anyone else to do the same. I know in the UK certainly many sites have been set up that welcome donations of any quantity. Some of the items they've been looking for include: jumpers and warm clothing, practical shows, hats, sanitary products, towels and blankets, backpacks and practical bags, soft toys, pillows and duvets, and much more. For any that do wish to help it's very easy to oook up nearby donations sites local to you (certainly in the UK).

This isn't any kind of political post, just a simple girl trying to do some good. I just wanted to let readers know this extra work may slightly effect my posting schedule, however I believe we can all agree this is an acceptable reason.

May the force be with you all.


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