Chapter fifty five

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"So, shall we start with you general (y/l/n)? If you don't mind that is, it's just from the report I read the attack was directed towards you." The therapist asked me while sitting on one of the visitor seats at my bedside. Of course Anakin was in the other, and the girls hadn't left my bedside since the attack earlier. Actually I think they may have left for snacks while I was taking a nap earlier, I'd woken up to a lot of junk food after all. It'd been a stressful day, diets and training could wait.

"That's fine with me," I replied after glancing Anakins way and noticing he was finally sleeping off his hangover. Looking across to the woman with her clipboard and notes I felt a little nervous. Anakin and I had a lot of secrets after all, and I wasn't yet sure how much of what I shared would reach the council. So even now when I was supposedly opening up I'd have to be careful what I said. "Well, as you read the attack was meant for me...I'm sure sure yet as to why but I have had run ins with the same guy before." I responded while keeping my hands together in my lap, a little nervous speaking about the man who plagued my nightmares.

"I see yes, that was mentioned to me prior to our meeting, the man was Dooku's apprentice wasn't he? As in your father...that must be hard, would you like to talk about it?" She asked in a calm friendly manner, keeping her emotions completely level in a way I'd only ever seen Obi Wan manage. Sighing I looked down to my hands, stealing a glance towards Anakin, and then the girls. Both were distracted or asleep, I could speak freely. However that scared me more.

"...No,'s hard, Dara-I mean the sith, I keep dreaming about everything he's said and done around me...I haven't told anyone because I'm ashamed...but the man terrifies me." I admitted without looking up, finding it easier to just pretend I was alone. I heard her write something down and looked up nervously, but she just gave me a kind smile and lifted her pen.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of general, he's caused quite the number of injuries for you, it's only natural you'd feel afraid," She responded in that same friendly kind manner. At first I'd found it a little disconcerting to have someone act so calmly around serous matters, but now I could see in was meant as a reassurance. Stability like the kind I sought out in Anakin. " began to say a name just now, was that name perhaps Daramar Starfallen? You're masters elder brother?" She asked, the question causing me to tense. I cast my eyes down and but my lip, a tremble to my fingertips as I nodded. I'd never had the chance to speak with my master about what her brother had done, I wasn't even sure if she knew it was him. Hell I didn't even know if she was aware he was alive.

"...the same Daramar who attempted to bomb the council chamber fifteen years ago." I added quietly without looking up. Having done my reading during time off after the first attack I'd discovered from Leia that the whole ordeal had been covered up years ago. Daramar had once been a student the same as his sister, apparently he was highly disturbed however. Apparently Leia had been there all those years, she'd seen first hand as the ten year old was led away. It was supposedly a huge scandal, only a few knew of it and it was certainly never documented.

"Oh my...I never heard about that, it seems this order has more problems than I feared..." The woman sighed with a shake of her head as she jotted something else down. My eyes flickered up to hers with concern about this information spreading. She seemed to notice this and gave me a smile while placing her pen down. "Oh don't worry, everything you tell me now is completely confidential, I won't share a word." She assured me politely which honestly did reassure me.

"Thank you, I appreciate that," I replied as I sat back against the pile of pillows behind me. I must've disturbed the mattress because moments lasted I heard Ahsoka stir from where she was lying beside me. Placing a hand on the back of her head I smiled. It me and Anakin ever did have children, I hope they'd be something like these two. "Daramar scares me, and so does my father at times...but I don't want these guys to worry about that, especially Anakin, I don't want him getting distracted by my personal problems." I added to try and convey just how much I wanted this to be kept quiet. Our eyes met across the room and a mutual understanding was formed.

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