Chapter seventeen

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We'd been sat out on the sand just long enough to dry off from our swim in the lake, and right now me and Padmè were slipping our dresses on while Anakin put his robes back on. Though the dark presence from earlier was now completely gone I still couldn't help but be a little on edge. Perhaps it was just to the mission and the fact we were meant to be protecting the senator, or maybe it had something to do with the attack a day ago back in the city. Either way I still had that strong feeling that this wasn't over, the something else far bigger than our current understanding was taking place in the shadows of our galaxy.

"(Y/n) are you ready?" Padmè asked out of the blue, causing me to jump a little in surprise since I'd been so deep in thought.

"Ah, yes I'm ready." I replied while quickly giving her a smile as I attempted to compose myself.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you," She responded in soft apology while rolling up her towel. "Well if you're ready then let's head up to the meadow." She added while placing the towel inside the basket while I used the force to roll up my own.

"What about Anakin?" I asked while handing over my own towel for her to place in the case.

"Right behind you," I heard the man in question say with hum as I felt him approach behind me. He cane to a stop after stepping beside me, pulling something from his belt and holding it out to me, where I came to see it was the silvery graceful hilt of my lightsaber. "Here, thought you might want this back." He said while I reached out and took the hilt, hitching my skirt up with my other hand and clipping it back to the band round my thigh.

"Thank you Anakin, oh wait," I responded while looking back up at him, noticing his braid had become caught under part of his robes and reaching out to gently untuck it. My fingers traced down the small padawan braid as I tucked it back behind his ear, feeling his gaze on me all the while. "There you go, much better." I smiled while pulling my hand up, looking to his eyes for a moment.

"Thank you milady," he said with a small smirk before looking back over towards the senator. "Allow me to carry that for you senator." He said politely while stepping forward and taking the basket gently from her hands.

"Well alright then if you insist, now let's go find a nice space to settle down for lunch." Padmè agreed with a smile as she walked by towards the steps that I guess led up to the meadow, looking back over her shoulder at us both. I was right, this really did feel more like a holiday than a real mission. Me and Anakin shared a glance before following after her up through the various well nurtured flowers and plants and out into the more wild and free meadow. The sun was shining softly overhead with barely a cloud to be seen, beautiful little flowers swaying in a soft breeze among the tall stems of lush green grass. Further ahead were a heard of creatures I felt I should recognise from my extensive studies within the archives, but however couldn't remember the name right at this precise moment. Looking back down I ran my fingers through the unusually soft grass, gazing at the small flowers the lay just below the tall stems.

"Just here seems like a nice spot." I heard Padmè say from just ahead of we're I'd stop.

"I agree, I'll lay the blanket out for you both." Anakin responded while I looked round, noticing as he lay the basket to one side and pulled the rug from it, laying in out over the grass at Padme's feet. I walked over to join them both just when Anakin was turning back to pull out whatever food he'd earlier prepared for this little picnic of ours. As I took a seat by Padmè on the blanket the realisation hit me that I'd never actually seen Anakin cook before, in fact I couldn't even imagine him in a kitchen for some reason...not without some disastrous results. Let's just hope I'm wrong.

'Your thoughts betray you my friend, don't worry so much.'
He chuckled through the force while placing down a box of sandwiches cut into little squares, followed by a tray of delicious looking fresh fruit.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now