Chapter sixty two

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Anakins pov

It's had been sixth months...

six months without her...

Six months of nightmares and pain...

Six months of not knowing when the agony would end, of not knowing wether the love of my life was alive or not...

Every day was agony: even after being accepted back into the grand army of the republic, well the senate had practically begged for my assistance. However all the battles in the galaxy couldn't distract me from my heartache. Not even Obi wans kindness or support could make me feel better, there was no light without (y/n) at my side.

Right now I was seated in the senate lobby awaiting Padmè to return from her meeting. Since the senate was facilitating my return to the grand army I often spent my days around the building, my nights either crying in our old apartment or seeking refuge with the girls at Padmes. Some days I just couldn't cope, that was why the girls continued to stay with her. I didn't want them to see me in my worst moments.

They were so sweet and kind, always trying to cheer me up. A few days ago we even all went out together for a birthday dinner, the pair wanting to celebrate together during one of our days off. Everyone was there: Obi wan, Padmè, most of the 501st, even a few of the other senators and padawans...

But no (y/n)...

The chancellor had told me there'd been no further transmutations from Daramar, that both sith and my Angel had disappeared without trace. This piece of information didn't help settle my nightmares nor the images of her screaming out through my mind. The visions were still clouded but enough to make me severely fearful for my loves life. And that was without the added stress that as far as any of us were aware she was still very much pregnant.

Padmè had provided a solution to that problem however, at least a back up plan. On my return to Coruscant I had found it strange during my hearing to see Padmè sporting a bump. At first I assumed she must also have become pregnant in my absence however she later pulled me aside to explain her Obi wan and senator Acaina had discussed it and decided this would be the simplest way to keep the council from discovering the truth. This way if (y/n) was found and the baby was still there we wouldn't have to worry about the council growing suspicious. However I still wished for (y/n)'s peace of mind that it wouldn't come to that, the prospect over having a baby seemed to scare her and that was the last thing I wanted right now.

Then again I also wanted her back in my arms so I knew she was safe...

That bought me up to today, a rare occasion where I hadn't a mission to attend so Padmè had offered to keep me company over lunch while the girls attended class. Ari had been assigned extra work every since the break out six months ago, it would seem she rather pissed off master Windu. Good girl. Anyway Ahsoka, master Acaina's padawan Bynn and some youngling she'd befriended had offered to stick around to help out so really it was less of a chores and more of a study session. I didn't want to ruin their fun with my gloomy presence though Leia had encouraged me to drop by a couple of times and watch their progress. It made for a nice distraction I'll say that much.

Getting up from my seat I watched as some of the senators began to emerge from their rooms, indicating the meeting must be over. Watching the exit I awaited Padmè, eager to get to lunch while I was still hungry.

"Skywalker!" Someone I really hadn't been expecting to that afternoon then shouted with fury across the hall. As I turned my eyes widened quickly becoming aware of the distinct magenta blade hurtling itself towards me hand. Reaching a hand out I swiftly halted it progress midair and gasps and a few helps of surprised came from the startled senators.

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