Chapter one hundred and twelve

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Six months later...

Into the end game

There's a lot to happen in these final weeks, whether peace will prevail I cannot yet tell you. Why you May ask considering I know all there is to be known of the future?

Fun my dear

To summarise to details you will be needing into these last days; Anakin returned to the outer rim sieges after that last night you spent together, as far as you are aware he has had no nightmares this time around, and you should know since every night he will call you across the secured channel. Late of course each time but for some reason you do not mind. You'll speak usually of mundane things I don't not care to bring up and am yet forced to remember being she who knows all there is to know. I just see it you're happy it your domestic little world...

Now, other reminders here include that your yr former master the Starfallen woman still resides as the Chancellors personal guard. She's settled into the job and appears far less volition much to my displeasure. Every couple of days she visits to check you're alright and need for nothing. However it's not as though she needs to, after the revelation of the senators own pregnancy Fives put in to to be her guard and under special circumstances was permitted absence from the war effort the lucky fool. So most days you and the Naboo senator barely have to lift a finger and yet insist still on pulling your weight.

I shall never understand you strange common people...

Now let me think let me think...I feel there is more I had to share and yet now I wonder what other secrets I wished to tease you with...

Are yes I recall...Hm but I shall let you discover that one for yourself...

Until or perhaps if we meet again my dear, it's time you woke up...someone's calling for you...

"Mama mama..!" Little Ari's voice rang out softly as I felt my shoulder lightly shook. The little dip in the bed beside me that shifted back and forth let me know without a need to open my eyes that my little girl was right there. There tiny hands tugging at my nightdress...or rather the tunic of Anakins I deemed most suitable for sleep, I could sense her elated excitement but didn't quite know why she was so happy. This baby had my mind all kinds of foggy but when I opened my eyes and saw the date I immediately realised why she was so happy.

Today was the day of her birthday, both an incredibly happy and a very sad one at the same time for me. Today marked a whole year since I lost my padawan at the citadel, but also a whole year of joy from my little girl. Lying there all kinds of memories flickered threw my mind: like the fear I'd had when realising I was pregnant, the relief when returned back to Anakin and the elation of meeting our daughter for the first time. That day I managed to prove Anakin's nightmares nothing more than a hoax...I managed to prove to him we could in fact be one big happy family.

So much had happened since then....our trial, our wedding. Some sadder events of course, this was a difficult time after all. But I still held hope the war would end soon...we were so close. Even my father had thought so, helping us on rare occasion to avoid detection or take down a truly corrupt leader.

He was a good man at heart...I think even grandmaster Yoda can see that now...

"Mama!" Ari exclaimed again her little fingers prodding at my shoulder. Rolling I looked at this girl I'd been so scared to parent. Admittedly at times I still feel Anakin and I were too young - but we did take percussions. Technically her being here is as an impossibility and yet there she sat, our little miracle.

Reaching out I gently brushed back her blonde curled and smiled. She was such a cute little thing, so overflowing with a curious energy I could recall Anakin having when we were children. So like her father...

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