Chapter eighty seven

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"There's a traitor in the senate? How? Who?" I immediately questioned while taking the letter from his hand, quickly coming to recognising the writing of which it was written. It was her writings, my dearly departed padawans. Anakin must've been given a letter from Ahsoka same as I was. That meant what was written was mostly likely true...we just had no way to prove it...

"Second paragraph third line." Anakin instructed me to as he started up the speeders engines and looked ahead while beginning to drive. Well we did have a lot to figure out, it was probably best to do some of which on the move. I scanned my eyes down the page until I reached the section he was as talking about.

"I'm not meant to share this but I was told on Morris that a powerful sith is in control of our senate, I wanted to warn you so you'd know to be wary..." I trailer off as my eyes traced along to the end of the sentimental sentence that caused my heart to drop. Even from behind the grave she's trying to protect us. It's not even like we're looking for a senator, she'd says there's a Sith Lordco trolling the senate, that could be near impossible to track down. And yet I feel like Obi wan mentioned being told something similar by my father once...

"It's crazy I know, the chancellor would never stand for-

"The chancellor..!" I gasped with a wide eyed dumbfounded expression as I brought my hand up and slapped my palm to my forehead. Of course how could we be so blind - but Anakin will never believe it. The chancellor leads the senate, her and admitted to Anakin he knows of the dark side, he give me to the creeps to so who else good it be.

"(Y/n) what are you getting at? Do you think the chancellor might know who the traitor is?" Anakin asked me with furrowed brows and I'll admit I envy his innocence right now.

'Yes I think he knows, in a manner of speaking.'

"Oh, no no, just, he called me for a meeting," I responded because honestly I do not want to meet with him. My fiancé may be to awestruck to see it but there's something fishy going on with chancellor Palpatine and I intend to find out what in order to protect my future husband. I don't yet know what he's playing at but Anakin was very close to turning g to the dark side due to his words merely a couple of months ago. That deserved some kind of investigation. "Yes I'll be meeting with him this afternoon, that's alright with you isn't it?" I asked sweetly since that would mean a higher chance of him thinking nothing if it. As expected he gave a small shrug while turning off the main passage towards our apartment building.

"I've got no problem with that, Obi wan said he might drop by later, I thought we might have a couple of drinks and watch the news." He replied casually obviously not seeing any trouble with me visiting the chancellor of all people. I felt a little bad, Anakin respected Palpatine so much, he was a secondary mentor figure to my fiancé. Of course I wished I was wrong, but all the evidence pointed towards him having ulterior motives. Still I had to give a chuckle at Anakins afternoon plan. I'm sure it's not what Obi wan would have in mind and yet I can imagine the pair of them sitting down like brother watching the holonet. Gods obi wan wan's a blessing.

"That sounds fun, but no skipping over to channel twenty seven, I've seen the way you look at those girls, don't give me reason to be jealous." I reminded him in a slightly reprimanding tone, narrowing my eyes towards him. He just seemed to smirk while slowly the the speeder down, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. He's plotting something.

"Maybe I like making you jealous, you're sexy when you get mad," he chuckled lowly, eyes shifting to the side to stare towards me with that seductive twinkle. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead again folding my arms across my chest. He chuckled again and looked back to the traffic lane. "Yeah just like that, you're adorable when you pout, makes you lips look so kissable." He added in that same chuckle removing a hand from the steering apprentice and placing his palm to the small of my back. I blushed a little and looked down to were my hands in my lap.

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