Hermitcraft meets Dream SMP

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This will contain what SMPer's I know there's quite a few that I don't watch (most of them) so yeah.
No Council. Grian has Watcher powers, powerful ones and PVP skills. THe hermits know they are primes.
When the portal arrived in the Dream SMP right outside the obsidian wall all made a truce and decided to go through it leaving a few behind.  The hermits were much smarter deciding to leave it be. So it was a big surprise when 10 strangers stepped through the portal. 
The PVPers stood in front of the rest of the hermits ready to fight those consisting of Iskall, Keralis, Captain Newton, Doc, False, and Grian.

"Who are you?" A man in a white mask asked.

"I think that's my question, invader," I frown.

"The names Dream, this is Techno, and Sapnap, we went through a portal bringing us here,"

"Was the portal intentional?" Doc sneers.


Grian glances at me sending a silent message.

"I have a few questions to ask if you 10 would follow me. This doesn't have to get physical. It's obvious not all of you can fight,"  I diplomatically state waiting for them to make a move.

"We don't have to tell you anything," the pig haired man growls.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" Grian steps forward.

"I could take you in a second," The pink haired man remarks.

"Doubt that,"

"Anyway we need to be on good terms to get you guys back home. You guys were too busy arguing to notice that the portal is gone, it's been gone," I try again.

"I don't listen to you, and who's your admin," Pink haired guy said.

"Ok pink haired dude, this apparently won't be going down the easy way," I frown, bringing our my sword. Grian brings out his wings, False gets her axe ready, Doc charges us his trident, and Keralis gets his bow out.


"Techno... "


Man named Dream rolls his eyes and gets ready to fight as well. Soon they were all ready to fight. Techno made the offensive going for me, tackling me down and an unusual but bold  approach of attack. He tried to give a series of blows but resulted in ineffective results. I just rolled out of the way and scrambled up. He hadn't gotten up. I have a avantage I am lighter so I am faster on my feet. I was on my knees so I took a knee and slammed in into his forehead making him crumple. At the sight of his unconscious body all fighting ceased, dream looked at me wide eyed before doc was able to smack his trident knocking him out as well. The rest surrendered and we tied them up all in the space under the town hall on chairs.
When the two woke up with the rest the first thing they both asked was how. How did I beat technoblade who they deem the blood god; blood god my ass.  I sat backwards on a chair facing them giving them the face that says try me.

"You don't know who I am, where you are, and how you got here," I smile. "And I'm going to answer what I can,"

"Thanks I guess," White bandana guy says, shrugging the best he could.

"And I'm sorry for their behavior," Another guy in a blue shirt and white sunglasses.

"You don't speak for them and as I was saying I have a few answers. First you ten are on the Hermitcraft Server, I'm Captain Newton one of the admins here, the guy in the yellow helmet is Xisuma he is the other admin. And we think the watchers got involved i'll let Grian take over explaining,"

Grian took my spot letting his wings show making the intruders as I saw them lean away.

"My name is Grian, formerly known as Xelqua I was a top Watcher for a long time I soon learned of their bad intentions and left. They tracked me down and captured me for six months, then I knew the hermits, three of them saved me and I've been with them since. Anyways enough about me I think the watchers sent you here, why I don't know, and we also don't know how to get you back only a Prime watcher could get you back i'm not one of them," Grian explains his spew that he told us while we were waiting for them to wake up.

"Interesting and what about admins?" One asked.

"Admins and Watcher magic hate each other even a prime can't fix it," I intervened.

"So we just need to get along and get a prime to get us back, that's a death wish," Techno said rolling his eyes.

"Not when you have Primes on your side," I smirk as we had discussed this earlier we would reveal ourselves to them to get them back.

"And how in the hell do you think we can convince them?" Dream scoffs.

"Let me reintroduce myself and Xisuma; my name is Captain Bella Newton I am a prime admin, this is Xisuma Void, the other prime admin," I smile as I watch all ten jaws drop.

"So you're telling me that I attacked a prime admin," Techno says in disbelief.

"Yes but you will get no punishment, you didn't know," I smile and he nods gratefully.

"And quick question: why are both primes in the same place isn't that dangerous?" Dream asks.

"No one will expect them to be one a high profile server especially both of us," I smirk it's genius you would think they would hide themselves. Us in such an obvious place is so unexpected no one would look for us here.

"Interesting, and how do we get home?" The only girl asks.

"I don't know, since watchers most likely did this my magic won't work to get you guys back," I frowned thinking of why.

"So we are stuck," Dreams finalizes and I nod, "Uh could we get out of the ropes we mean no harm, well most of us, I can't speak for the pink pig.

"FIne, put the pig stays," X intervenes.
I summoned my sword and proceeded to cut their bonds. They thank me and get up leaving Techno tied.

"You can get out on one condition, you are supervised by a hermit all the time every day," I say as he nods. "Doc will watch you first,"

Doc glares at me but nods anyway untying him.

"I could take him if I wanted to," Techno growls.

"You won't, do you no why," I smartly reply and he shakes his head, "Because you don't want to end up in the care of Etho, he won't be as kind as Doc and that's saying something,"

I was right, because the Ninja could indeed probably take him and he was salty about me being attacked.



As you can see I'm back I told you guys I would be back.

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