Bad Days

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Emotions 1
Captain newton was having a really bad morning, it was just like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. But she knew better, her and X's emotions were deprived by the wellbeing of Minecraft if plenty of players of Minecraft were having a bad day so was she. Now it seemed this bad cloud didn't particularly affect Hermitcraft so it must be players of large servers and private worlds having a particularly bad day or time.
She shrugged her elytra on not bothering to check it's durability and grabbed plenty of rockets. She shot up in the sky on her way to the shopping district, also deemed the cowmercial district from her 'helipad' that would have a real helicopter on it.
She soon arrived to see X restocking the honey shop in just as bad as a mood as she was in, but that was no surprise. Now you wondering but before you ask, no they cannot change the player's moods, that's abusing their powers.
First-person writing begins here
It was as if the day couldn't get worse, I inspected the elytra's durability just to find it was on its last leg. I quickly found a nearby enderchest just to find out that boom no spares and I knew that any elytra selling shop were out when I had looked to buy some yesterday just to find that the few stores were sold out. That was something grian should put in the barge, another thing to make him a ton of diamonds. Everyone knew, even though Scar's chest monster was a success, he had short bursts of profit, while grian had a steady income with the treasure hunts, and other nicknacks one could find there.
I stood in the hot sun debating what to do, I would probably just nether it back home where I had three elytra's waiting. In the meantime, I would do what I had set out to do, as I walked to my own shop 'The Exchange' where I take someone else's junk, sort out the actual bad stuff, and sell the good stuff at a high price. This shop at first didn't do all that well but as people began bigger builds with plenty of leftover resources the business boomed. I took in all kinds of stuff, from obsidian to rotten flesh, which I kept to feed to my two dogs, 'Mandy and Mora'.
Besides Keralis she was the richest hermit just over 1,100 diamonds, close to Keralis's amount. Yes, she is the second richest hermit, but along with the exchange she has partnerships in several stores. Including but not limited to... LLAMB, Chestmonster, The Barge, Welsmart, The Rock Shop, The ICE shop, and The boomers, for being a large supplier of all of them. She took 10% of their profit from all of them. She made an average of 120 Diamonds a week, you're wondering why she isn't the richest hermit, she may or may not love gambling. And a few stacks went to Iskall's treasure Island setting back a bit. It paid off she has lots of extra Netherite. She also funds 'Decked out ' out of pocket for free keys each week about 10 diamonds so tango can keep it going.

Back to the bad day---
The sky's darkened, and rain started pouring, just great, fucking fantastic, rain, no elytra, and way too much work to get done. And all she wanted to do was spend time with Etho, or the hermitcraft girls. She trudged to her shop to restock the always draining sand, dirt, and gravel.
By the end of the day, she was exhausted, and none of it was enjoyable.
POV Switch
Beginning of the day.
I jumped off from my bed out of the instinct of being ready for the day. But today seemed to instantly suck, everything seemed pointless, like why even get up. And it soon occurred to me, that this was the wellbeing of the majority of Minecraft residents. The primes emotions would be similar to the wellbeing of most players. I made my way to the Rock Shop to well, restock everything, I filled the many barrels and collected diamonds, making me slightly smile at the small profit.
I later turned to the Honey shop to find I had sold out of honey blocks, (probably because of Mumbo) Honey bottles, and Honeycombs. I carefully place the bottles in the barrel trying to avoid them from clinking together. I filled the next barrels with honey blocked, and honeycombs as I say Captian Newton in a mood just like mine making me nod accordingly. I later flew off to the mini-games to take down what's left of the L13 scaffolding and got right to business, after that boring hour, I was left with the ever-impending omega boredom of doom as Iskall would call it. He sat atop one of his towers wondering why the emotional well-being of Minecraft was so low.

Alright, Herrmitpad that's a wrap! Also, I would love to be mentioned on Hermitpad Recap so yeah!

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