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Will need to have read other one shots for this to all make sense

Mumbo: Grian what do you have?

Grian: nothing

Mumbo: A trench coat looks like something...

Grian: it's nothing trust me *meow* *meow* *meow*

Mumbo: Last I knew you don't meow.

*Two cats fall out of the trench coat. And when Grian goes to pick them up on e falls out of his hat*

Mumbo: How many cats do you have?...

Grian: just these I swear!

Scar: he's not lying I have the rest.


In this the council knows the Prime identities.

*Xisuma and Bella at admin meeting*

*Acting all scary*

*The council is also there*

*the hermit on council knowing they aren't that scary*

"The hermits on the council smirking*

*confused but scared lower admins*


False and Captain Newton sparring and False doesn't know how good Bella is. Other Hermits are watching. The Vacation oneshot is Cannon in this.

Location: Hermit Wrestling Federation.

False: You think you can handle me?

CN: Yeah I do, try me

False: ok

*False gets her ass handed to her about two seconds later*

CN: Weak *releases False who falls on the ground* Who's next?

Other hermits not including X, Etho, Keralis: O.O


*Hermits watching a Horror Movie with a tourture scene*

Most Hermits: *Looking away or grossed out*

X and CN: That's all? *Looking bored*

Other Hermit: How are you two fine?!

CN and X: *knowing fully they have more scars than Scar*

X: Experience

CN: What doesn't Kill you makes you stronger


X: We have a problem?"

Mumbo: I'm sorry about Grian

X: What no! What did Grian do!?


Tango: You ready boys?

Zed: Yes!

Impulse: NO- too late.

*At pacific meeting*

Iskall:So in order to raise profit we need to do this, and this *pointing*

Mumbo:So you want me to do what?!

Iskall: *sarcastically* Yes Mumbo I want you to run around screaming Pacific is Terrific.

Mumbo: ok *already getting up*

Iskall: No! Wait it was a joke!
Stress: I can't believe we're stuck in this room together.

Iskall *swallowing the key*: Truly unfortunate.
Etho: He welcome to Applebees. Would you like the apples or the bees?
Xisuma: Bees?
Xisuma: Wait
Grian:* Walks in with a jar of bees
Xisuma: WAIT-

Stress: What's a thot?
False: Uh- A thoughtful person
Captain Newton: *Hands Stress a box of potion ingedients*
Stress: You're a thot
Newton: What did you SAY!
Iskall: I'm quick at math
Mumbo: Ok what 10 x 48?
Iskall: 25:
Mumbo that's not even close
Iskall: But it was quick.
Newton: Looks like we're on to plan B
Cleo: Technically this is plan G
Grian: How many plans do we have? Is there like a plan M?
Newton: Yeah but Cub dies in plan M
Bdubs: I like plan M

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