Base swap

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This one is a expiration

So with the mystery 'button 2.0' build everyone has been trying to fill in what HCBBS means. Someone in vintage beef's comments said HermitCraft Big Base Swap. THat doesn't fit the number of letters but I had a good laugh and had to do a one shot. My OC is included and they also create episodes and post videos. BUt they create episodes and everything from inside minecraft (it's for the plot)

Base swap will not be canon in other one shots  unless specified.

It was exactly one year since season 7 started feb 28 2021 had rolled around. One month before at the annual team meeting Grian jokingly said let's swap bases. X took that seriously, well he knew it was a joke but he liked the idea, and the videos would be funny to watch the viewer get confused. They agreed not to say anything about switching, they would act like it was their base from the very start.

One week later Captain Newton and XisumaVoid sent out the base swap list.
So it goes like this on the list. Grian and Jevin, so they would swap, now Grains mansion is Jevin's and Jevins circular thing is Grians.

Here's the list.

GTWS and Keralis

Jevin and False
Stress and Cleo ( I just wanted to see how cleo would react to the fantasy style)

TFC and Welsknight

Etho and Mumbo

Grian and Cub

Doc and Iskall

Bdubs and Joe Hills

XB and Zedaph

Captain Newton Xisuma

Impulse and Etho

Vintage, Ren, and Tango will keep their bases to mess with heads.

(Note these were randomized,  I went down a list and just started crossing off names. I was going to pair Ren and Tango, they were paired the first time I made the list but I wanted a different outcome. I was also possibly going to give Vintage two bases)

The admins made sure everyone was ok with who they got and everyone got ready to make sure they had everything ready to move. Any side project would stay with original owners it's just the base that gets switched,

*First Person*

Bella (Captain Newton for those that don't know) Laughed, her base was already next to X's so it was like moving two blocks over. She continued on with her videos like normal she continued with her farms like normal. Bella is rather technical, likes to automate everything so she like impulse and is trying to make every farm. Feb 28th was coming up fast, it was in one week actually, she had all her shulker boxes packed so the house was nearly empty. She actually got many comments on how empty the chests were and how many shulker boxes laid around. Bella would just make excuses like various projects. Someone actually said 'Is she moving in with Etho?' that raised a few eyebrows. Then some others started commenting on how most hermits were in the same predicament. Someone said the new season, others said underground, It got funny and wild for some time. With all the cleaning her shop the exchange, bought by the box, got restocked quite easily.

On the 27th that evening they all moved their things in but slept in one of keralis's hotels for the night. All the couples shared so there was plenty of space, Keralis was happy, he got a lot of diamonds. When they woke up they all left the hotel and went to their new bases. Two days later just about everyone had uploaded a new video containing the new bases. This raised quite a few eyebrows. Let's take a look at comments shall we?

"This isn't your base"

"This is x's base"

"Why is X at your base,"

"What is X doing at your base?"

"Why is Etho at Impulses?"

"Did I see Impulse fly into Etho's?"

"What's going on?"

"What aren't they telling us?"

"Did I see Scar in Keralis's base?"

It continued with an overwhelming amount of comments.

So Bella made another video,

"Hello and welcome back to hermitcraft episode 98, today I owe a few explanations," She starts sitting at her desk staring at a camera.

"Yeah this is X's base, but now it's mine, about a month ago we decided to switch bases around to see what would happen. It started as a joke by Grian, then it became a real thing," she laughs.

"You see we have an annual hermit meeting every month for new ideas and to catch everyone up on what's going on. This is when Grian made the joke saying what if we bamboozled our viewers.  Soon one thing turned into another and here I am in X's base," I laughed.

"I'll tell you who got what,
GTWS and Keralis

Jevin and False
Stress and Cleo ( I just wanted to see how cleo would react to the fantasy style)

TFC and Welsknight

Etho and Mumbo

Grian and Cub

Doc and Iskall

Bdubs and Joe Hills

XB and Zedaph

Captain Newton Xisuma

Impulse and Etho

Vintage, Ren, and Tango will keep their bases,"

"You're also probably wondering of we will stay in these bases, no these will be our base until the end of the season, we do not know when the end will be. I don't know if other's had told you what's going on but if you guys could keep quiet and not tell other viewers whats going on that would be great!","

I finished recording and editing right away promptly going to sleep.

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