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Teams colours are randomized.

TFC: Announcer

*Team Yellow: Mumbo, Grian, Iskall, Stress,

Team Blue: Doc, Bdubs, Beef, Etho.

Team pink: False, Cleo, Joe, Ren,

Team Orange: Xisuma, Keralis, XB, Jevin.

Team Red:Tango, Impulse, Zedaph, Captain Newton.

Team Green: Scar, Cub, Wels, Hypno


Grian, tango, and Etho, had recently got together and made a pvp area. It consisted of quite a lot. Mobs, moving blocks, parkour, ect. They decided to have a paintball war there. Whoever's team was covered the most in paint lost, and whoever's team had the least won. We all gathered with TFC announcing everything like a sports event. The area was themed like a office building, just really dangerous.

TFC had gone ahead and put six teams of four together and I was pretty happy with my team, I had team ZIT, so I think it would go well. I was a little disappointed I wasn't with etho but he explained some compromises were made and I just decided to make the most of it. I grabbed my gear with the corresponding team colour and made my way to the area.

As a team we decided that we would be in teams of two, Tango with Zed and Impulse with Me.  I looked at what other teams had decided but I just couldn't tell. 30 minutes to get as many people paintballed, and 4 rounds, aka two hours.

"ARE YOU READY?" TFC boomed. And everyone nodded and he gave the signal to begin. I ran to a nearby pillar to see what was happening. I saw Scar out in the open and started to pelt him with paint and he tried to run.  I felt something try to hit my shoulder and saw blue paint on my shoulder coming from Bdubs as he high fives doc just to have tango get his back. I also shot at them a few times before running off to see there really wasn't anyone on this floor of the arena. (A/N: there's three floors to use.) As I ran I heard a trip wire go off and hearn pistons as the floor opened up. I jumped up and grabbed a chain that was probably supposed to hinder me. As the floor put itself back together I felt paint hit my chest. Specifically pink paint from Cleo and Joe. I Swung to the solid floor and pulled a nearby lever releasing two phantoms at them. I had no idea what would happen when I pulled the lever, I just got lucky. As they fended off the phantoms I fled trying to find impulse as he had made it across the lava zone. I continued to battle my way around the arena taking out whoever I saw using my Prime training.

Camera transition to:

As the four of us made our way around the arena I noticed Mumbo get into this sort of zone, and have suddenly really good pvp skills. Suddenly something popped out of the wall and as I saw Iskall get thrown, and Mumbo just skid under it like a pro, WTF! He just straightened his tie like it was nothing as I stared at him like he was insane before being wacked myself by this rotating thing. As I got up he shot others like this was his main thing, like what! How! Screech! I ready the paintball gun again before throwing myself back in the game. We continued to run around shooting people and dodging ourselves. Well Mumbo dodged, the rest of us weren't always so lucky. By the end of the 30 minutes he barely had a single drop of paint, while the rest of us had plenty.

"Mumbo Jumbo. How are you so good at pvp? You are arguably as good or better than false," I demandly asked.

"Well whenever a machine goes wrong I get a little frustrated, and instead of taking it out on the machine I just find some mobs and take it out on them," He explained like he was telling me the weather. I nod processing it thinking about all his contraptions and all the times they have made him angry, which meant he was probably really good.

"Well next round is about to start. What's your bet X or Newton takes out false," Iskall asked Mumbo and I.

"Ehh... they both are good, but... Ren's on falses team and they have won MCC together soo. Nah..." Mambo said with his usual vague tone.

"I bet ten diamonds Newton takes out X," I said Iskall nods taking that into consideration and betting the opposite.

(I was going to cut it off here but...)

Camera transitions back to Bella.

"Well boys that didn't go as well as we hoped since turns out Mumbo is goooood," I said looking at them for ideas.

Tango cuts in,"Well I do know that if we can get him surrounded that isn't much escape, but we have to be aware of ambushes," We nod and then decide to split us as every team has comms to communicate.

I went forward, tango, opposite direction, impulse, right, zed, left, it did seem to help keep out heads in the game. I felt paint hit my back so I quickly turned around to see my dear Etho with a smirk on his face. That smirk soon turned into one of shock as I charged and signaled Zed to follow. We cornered him before faking out and letting him think he was safe before all four of us pelt him with paint.

"Now we can negotiate right?" He asked trying to keep from getting even more covered in paint.

"Eh, well why should we, I mean we could just continue to pelt you, and bring your team down," Tango smirks.

"Well... if you let me go... I'll keep false busy..." He counters making a very compelling statement.

"You know what is fine, because false or ruthless," I said, giving in.

"Yes! You won't regret it," Etho promises, making the rest of my team look at me like I'm crazy.

As I run off I get greeted by fellow X, and I furrow my eyebrows. He smiles before raising his paintball gun and pelting me. I run off trying to find a vantage point before seeing one and just have to pelt him back the best I can. By a few minutes later we both are covered and haven't moved an inch just pelting each other.

Eventually the rest of my team finds me in my standoff and surrounds X as he and his team had completely split up into different arena floor levels. X surrenders and we let him go.

By the end of the rounds the top three went like this.

#3: Pink
#2: Red
#1: Yellow

Mumbo had done very well and destroyed everyone plus Stress is a complete maniac when it comes to this sort of thing.

Unfortunately Joe had kinda been Pink's downfall and lost them first place when he was ambushed by team blue in the third round.

And unfortunately for team green did come dead last but not least as we let them pelt the #1 winners for a few moments so that was great. And apparently Grian and Iskall had a bet on X and I and Grian won saying I would beat X.

Thanks for reading and Have a great day!

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