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Hermitcraft meets Dream SMP is canon in this.

This month MCC 18 Captain Newton was able to join one of two hermitcraft teams. She, Impulse, Cub, Jevin were invited, each of them said yes, For three months both teams trained with each other to be as good as they could.

When they got there they reunited those from the Dream SMP. They had a good laugh seeing the popular hermits and the SMPers talking like good friends. The first one was a sky battle that was easily done, pretty soon it was their team the pink parrots against lime lamas Dreams team of him, George, fundy and Techno. When everyone saw them on the same team they knew they didn't have a chance. She was cornered between Dream and Techno and she could hear the other competitors floating mutter she was done for. She smirked making Techno's eyes widen in sudden fear and she brought out an axe suddenly and parried him. She then quickly took her leg and kicked him off the center platform. The crowd became silent in surprise to be able to do that to him was a first. Dream knew he was toast as soon as she turned to him. They went back and forth just the two of them as she and Dream were the only ones left. She eventually managed to grab his hoodie and flung him off as well, winning the first minigame.

She smirked as some people congratulated her, others looked at her in fear or anger that she was able to and not themselves. Afterwards they met with lime lamas and hung out until the next round.

The next round ended up being parkour warrior Bella's weak spot. She made it to the 6th section before being stuck for the remainder of the time. Dream had won once again making those roll their eyes from not being surprised.

Ace race was next, she did ok, not great came in 15th but better than she thought she would've done. Hole in the wall was next and she did really well 4th and cub was in 6th place placing her team in second.
Then in the Battle box she was really excited, as Cub made sure they got all the colors she covered him slaughtering anyone who dared to come near. They went against lime lamas as their last round. It was brutal but it's also good that Impulse isn't half bad with a bow, he easily picked off their other two teammates. Soon it was three vs two, Jevin took out not long ago but Cub was more focused on getting the blocks in rather than fighting so it was more of two vs two.

All too soon Impulse was taken out as well, Cub was almost there. I quickly stabbed Dream through the gut making him go back as well. Techno and I wrestled with me pinning him down on the ground for a while before Cub finally got the block in making us win. Once again we were congratulated by everyone for beating lime lamas again. The Hermitcraft EU team hung out with us and so did the Lime Lamas seeing as all of them had been stuck on our server with us.

The last game before dodgebolt was sands of time many competitors favorite. Jevin would be the guy placing the sand. We ran around fighting and battling different mobs. Doing our best with different parkour areas. We had claimed the third most amount of coins but lasted the longest by ten seconds.

It's the grand finale and to no one's surprise it was us vs Lime Lamas.

Impulse had the best aim so they would funnel the arrows to him, but they would divert the attention to Bella, the obvious choice of who would be aiming.

It went fairly smoothly at first Jevin went out first but the rest were doing enough to dodge. George was our first target and went out soon enough, then Sapnap was next, eventually it was just Impulse and I vs Dream, before I knew it a shower of sparks rained on our heads signaling that we won the first round. The second round we decided that we would go strongest to weakest starting with techno. It worked ok not great but enough to pass by with two wins. Doesn't matter if they won the last one we would win but we did our best with just me vs Dream but pulled out on top easily enough. Afterwords a lot of people asked us how did we do it, beat dream and techno two they should've never put on the same team

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