Party Games

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(Yeah I'm going here)

Captain Newton's POV

It was the annual fall party where we forget rivalry, wars, and any other stuff like that. I sipped on awkward potion standing and talking to False about bases. I zoned out for a second watching hermits do stupid stuff, Grian and his boyfriend mumbo talking to Iskall and their girlfriend Stress laughing. I snapped back to give my two cents about storage systems and chickens for some reason. Suddenly X announced truth or dare, in other words a really bad idea right next to never have I ever which we also play every year.

"What, y'all want?" Joe grumbled not even wanting to be at the party, claiming nothing good ever comes from drunk 20 somes'.

"You know the annual truth or dare followed with never have I ever then lastly a suggested game," I called sitting down next to Etho.

"Well who wants to go first?" Someone asked impatiently. Ren excitedly raised his hand and I nod for him to go on.

"Ok Bdubs truth or dare?"

"Dare" he said confidently. Ren's dares were bad so a few of us snickered at the possibilities.

"Dye Jevin this color," he said handing over magenta dye. Jevin fell asleep in a corner about ten minutes after he got here so this should be good. Bdubs proceeded to dye the slime hybrid uneasy since Jevin would be pissed.

"Ok, Stress, truth or dare?"


"Have you ever dated someone not Iskall?" He asked devilishly smirking hoping she wasn't a saint she seemed to be.

"Easy no," she replied making Iskall relax in relief.

"Ok Etho truth or dare?" She asked.

Etho being Etho said "Dare"

"Let your girlfriend pour ice down your shirt and pants, let's so how much if a ice king you are," She said grinning ear to ear.


"Alright be right back," I said getting up grabbing a bucket and filling it with ice. I returned making Etho eye it nervously. I grabbed his shirt and make a opening to pour the ice down as everyone waited excited.

"Just do it," he cried making people snicker besides Grian who was all out laughing doubled over. I quickly pour all the ice down and make sure it gets into his pants, what even better is since our pain is shared we both were reacting. I was on the ground hissing like a cat in water. More than a few lost it howling with laughter as we glared at them.

"Alright, Captain, truth or dare," Etho asked me.

"Truth," I said cautiously.

"What's the worst' thing you've ever walked into," Ether said curious.

"Well two things top it so I'll say both," I said laughing internally.

"the first is one I went into X's office to find him talking to his tea-" I pause letting a reaction break out as Xisuma hid his head blushing.

"And the second is the last time I ever walk into Mumbo's without calling ahead, you fill in the rest," I said smirking remembering just what he and Grian had been doing. Everyone turned their head to the couple as grain and mumbo became beet red.

"Yeah Mumbo what had you been doing?" Tango asked egging him on.

"Nothing," The mustached man said a little too fast and a little too high pitched.

"This is out of hand why don't we play never have I ever," False said saving the couple from furthermore embarrassing questions.

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