][ III ][

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I let my head rest on the rough asphalt again, pressing my forehead into the coolness of it. Seriously? This same girl? How could it not be a coincidence - coming from Him?

"You. . ." She breathed out through her fingers. I squinted my eyes against the brightness of the overcast sky, staring up at her. "But. . .you're supposed to be in my basement. Unconscious." I didn't say a word as I slowly got to my feet, standing right in front of her. I just realized how tiny she was as I stated down at her wide-eyed expression. She was sort of. . .cute.

Suddenly, she started blink rapidly, shaking her head a little, as if to clear it of the haze it was in. "Are you okay? I just hit you while going forty kilometres an hour!" She reached out her hands to hold me up as I began to fall under my own weight. Clearly, I wasn't as okay as I portrayed to be.

Her hands were cold and small and fragile against my hot, giant body and I felt like I should be holding her - not her holding me. I took a deep breath in and looked into her big, brown eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine." The english language sounded odd on my tongue. I'm glad that I was all-knowing angel instead of just a human. Latin was a dead language now and no one would understand me if I went around speaking it. The girl looked surprised and in awe. Did she think I could not speak?

"Wow - your voice is so deep. . ." She mumbled in a sigh. I forgot that I would have this sort of effect on humans - especially human women. She shook her head again, and looked down at her feet, taking her hands off my body and knotting them tightly together. "Um. . .well, I guess I should take you somewhere else. I don't think I can take you to a hospital because then they might take x-rays, then they'll see the bones of your wings inside your back - which I think is where they disappeared to, right?" She looked up at me, her eyes bright with curiosity. I didn't reply and felt somewhat bad when she blushed in embarrassment and apologized for speaking so much.

"I don't talk much." I said simply but tightened my hands into fists at my sides with the anger and frustration that she clearly believed what she had seen last night. "Plus, I think I should be taken to the hospital because I feel terrible and also because I don't have wings 'to hide'."

"Mhm, you can try to twist my thoughts but I know what I saw last night. . .Angel Boy." She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and looking up at me with mischief and determination in her eyes. I didn't say anything and stared down at her with a stint expression, pressing my lips into a thin line and furrowing my eyebrows together. Then, through gritted teeth, I spoke clearly and angrily.

"First of all, do not call me that. Secondly, you did not see anything last night. And lastly, you will forget everything that happened the previous night - if you 'happen' to remember anything at all." I breathed out through my teeth. "Understood?" She stared up at me, her eyes and mouth gaping once again. She nodded her head rapidly and took a few steps back, looking down at her feet.

"I'm sorry - It's just. . ." She breathed in deeply. "It's just you're a fricking angel -"

"No. I'm not." She looked up at me, her eyes still wide and bright, and her cheek a rosy pink.

"Right - you aren't an angel. You're just a regular, very human boy. . .whose not wearing any pants - but still that's not the point. . ." She mumbled looking up at me and then back down to her feet. "Um, want to go get pants?" She asked. I looked down at myself, her purple jacket slipping down my narrow hips - barely covering anything - and then back up at her.

"Okay -"

"- It's what human boys do anyway." She and I said at the same time. I looked pointedly at her and she blushed till her whole face turned pink. "Sorry, I can't get the fact that you're a -"

"Do not say it." I gritted my teeth again. "If you can't keep your mouth sealed, then I suppose I will just have to seal it for you - forever. With a sewing kit." I added on for a frightening effect. It seemed to work.

"Sorry - sorry, I - I'm going to keep my mouth shut, I promise." She stuttered and retreated backward until her back hit the door of the truck. She looked like a trapped baby animal. I liked it.

I walked around to the other side of her truck, and got inside, feeling more in control now, and more dominant. After all, I was the superior species anyway. Maybe that's why I was cast out of Heaven. . .I wondered in my head as I waited for her to calm down outside.

Gazing over to the other side, where the girl was pacing back and forth, muttering to herself, I began to really take her in. Freckles, faint but still noticeable, dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose like the galaxy in a clear night sky. Her eyes were a light brown, like the colour of oak tree leaves, her hair only a shade or two darker. She had an undeniable and distinct habit of pushing her hair behind her ears every time she got embarrassed or flustered - she had done it at least five times by now.

She was all ivory, pink and brunette. The colour of her skin standing out against her dark hair; the colour of her pink cheeks contrasting with the darkness of her eyes and the paleness of her face and neck. She had an aura about her as well. One that showed me of her. . .normalcy. But I knew she was not just normal - not anymore anyway. Not when I happened to drag myself to her shed. Not when she happened to find me - out of all the people that could have. And especially not when I bumped into her again after escaping her cellar.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at me with hesitant, round eyes. I saw her breath in deeply and then open the door. "Sorry - I was freaking out. I still am, but I think I'll be okay. . ." She stared at me without blinking then swallowed hard. "No, nope. Never mind. I'm not okay again." She got inside the truck anyway, but left the door wide open, resting her head on the steering wheel and closing her eyes. For a quick escape if the opportunity ever called for it. . .a little voice snickered in my mind. I smirked and decided, what the hell? I was cast out of Heaven for denying the only one thing I was created to be. Good.

I had become so evil and twisted by the dark whispers that haunted me, that I went against the one thing that was drilled into my mind since the day I was created. I went against the one thing that ran through my mind, my veins, my very atoms - that's how evil I had become. So, why not use it to my advantages? Sure, I missed Heaven and the billions of brothers I had. I knew how agonized they were, and could see their saddened faces the day I was cast down. They didn't want to loose me, I still felt a strong connection to them, and to the goodness that is drilled within my very being - but I was also a menace. And some times, I liked to use it.

I leaned over till my lips were right beside her ear, till my hand was just millimetres away from her own. She opened her eyes as she felt my presence - the heat of my body, and I grinned evilly. Her breathing came out hard, and I saw her slowly start to pull her hand away from mine. Aw, how modest. How safe.

"Um. . ." She breathed out, straightening her back and looking out the windshield. She was so awkward and nervous it made me even more mischievous and devious. "Let's go get you clothes. My brother might have some shirts and jeans that might fit you." She spoke, still staring ahead.

"Mhm." I said, staring at her. "What's your name? After all, you're my saviour." My voice dipping lower and becoming more throaty. I trailed my eyes down her arm, seeing her tapping her fingers against her knees. She had goose flesh all along her arms, and kept swallowing hard. She was in deep.

She looked over at me, surprised by the question and parted her lips a little. "Er. . .R - Rachel. I'm Rachel." I nodded my head and licked my upper lip. "What about you? Or should I just keep calling you A -"

"- Don't." I said looking down at her hands again. Her long, skinny fingers were still tapping her knees anxiously. "You won't be able to say my name - my true name - it's in Latin. But," I stopped, looking into her eyes again. "you can call me Ezra."


Important! Do you guys like the name Sebastian better than Ezra? I was in such a debate on wether which name I should give Angel Boy.

Anyways thank you for reading! Don't forget to leave a comment and vote!

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