][ XVI ][

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I'm so sorry for the long wait :( I feel like I let you guys down (I feel like I let myself down too ): )


I didn't even need to look around. I didn't want to look around for wherever Ezra lurked, watching me with Lorin. Plus, I didn't want to get Lorin mad or have him disappear again, he didn't look good when he was mad.

"You alright?" Lorin asked me, sounding sincere. "I know you just fought of a demon - or a 'bad faerie' - but you should be happy! You are so badas$!" He mused while I internally mourned.

"Yeah. I'm fine." My time was clipped and distracted but Lorin just smiled and started walking once again. I followed, but I kept looking around, into the forest that stood, looming and quiet, holding secrets that I could only imagine to know.

Soon enough, Lorin and I reached my house. The driveway was empty of my mums and brothers car so I was guessing I would be home alone. Or not.

"Alright! I'm starved!" Lorin yelled as he ran up the stairs to my porch and turned, looking at me and waiting, to unlock the door. I didn't move from my spot and he became impatient. "Oh come on, Rachel! I'm hungry! I won't steal anything! I'll be gone once I have something unhealthy in my stomach!"

"No, you better be gone before my mom or brother comes home." I replied as I walked up to the door, put my key in and quickly opened it and closed it. I don't know why but I thought that if I left my door open long enough, Ezra and maybe other creatures, would decide that they were 'starved' too.

Inside, Lorin walked around like he knew every corner. And I bet he did. Because as soon as he walked inside and past the living room, and turned right, he went to the pantry and reached to the top shelf, where I knew my mom kept the pop tarts. He opened the box and took out two, stuffing them both inside his mouth - at the same time - looking happy.

"Wow. How many times have you been here before?" I asked lightly. I looked amusedly at him as he somehow managed to sandwich the two pop tarts and swallow them down in under a minute. I guess all boys - no matter what species - seemed to have a thing for eating a lot, and eating quick.

"Mhmm." Lorin mumbled through the pop tart mush in his mouth. "I. . .I like to. . .eat."

"I can see that." I laughed and dropped my backpack onto the floor. "Also, sorry to be a party-pooper, but my mom will be driving home any time soon and she is usually grumpy when she gets back from work."

"Yep. I know she's grumpy after work. . .If stay out of her way." Lorin replied and I got the sense he'd been around a lot longer than I thought. I had to know how long though. And why.

"How long have you been around?" I asked suddenly, my curiosity barely contained.

"Hm? Oh. . .well to be honest, I've been around for 19 years." He told me and I stared blankly at him. "I turn 19 soon! It counts!" He quickly added when I said nothing.

"What? No! I don't mean your age! I mean how long have you been. . .lurking around my house?!"

"Oh! Well. . .like three weeks." He answered like it was nothing and that we were having a conversation about everyday things.

"Three. . .weeks." I echoed stupidly. "Why? And how come I didn't notice you before? Or how come you never showed yourself before?"

"Why? Because you -" Lorin was cut off as my mom opened the door and yelled that she was 'home, baby!'.

"Oh crap -!" I couldn't even finish before my mom appeared in the kitchen. She was looking down into her purse as she walked in, so I suppose she didn't see Lorin yet because her eyes didn't go wide, and she didn't start yelling and hitting Lorin with a broom.

I began to usher and push Lorin away, toward the glass doors that led to the backyard, but my mom looked up and saw me practically embracing Lorin - instead of me standing a good distance away from him that would not make people consider us a couple.

"Oh! A boyfriend!" My mom looked more happy and shocked (in a good way) than I thought she would. Heck, I didn't think she would look happy at all. "Your boyfriend!"



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