][ XXVIII ][

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*'Nother quick update! ;) <-- because I'm getting way too excited writing this book lol*

*Oh! And some of you will be thanking me for the end of the chapter ;)) sort of*


"Don't worry about him. He'll heal. After all, he does have some angel blood in him." I said. I noticed, as I bent down toward Rachel, that my wings had folded back in, making me feel so much lighter. I slipped on the sweater that Lorin had given me and walked away, behind a shelf full of paint buckets and hammers and nails, the pull on the sweats Rachel had found. They were a bit loose around my hips, but with a pull of the two strings, I adjusted them and walked back around the shelf to see. . .no one.

"Rachel. . .?" I called out as I stepped out of the shed, looking around in the darkness.

"I'm over here!" She loudly whispered. I turned my gaze to where I heard her voice and walked over to her. She was standing just beyond the tree line, peering into the eerie forest. "Lorin just. . .got up and. . .practically crawled into the forest and disappeared."

"What?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"I tried to get him off his hands and knees but he wouldn't listen and he kept crawling to the forest." She said as she continued to stare out at the trees. "He was grumbling something underneath his breath and to be honest. . .he looked mad. Insane. Evil."

"That's not a surprise to me." I mumbled in frustration to myself. But Rachel heard and turned her attention on me.

"What is it with you two? Why are you always at each other's throats?! I thought you'd at least get along because. . .well, because you both have the same blood running through you!" Rachel yelled and shoved me. I didn't even move which seemed to make her angrier. "Ugh! Ezra! Explain to me why, why you guys don't get along! Why you guys hate each other!"

"I. . ." I began but I couldn't find the words. What did I tell her? Oh, I hate Lorin because he's too suspicious? He gives me weird vibes? Because he has a look about him that makes me want to punch his face in? "There's lots of reasons." I knew that she was friends with him - if not fully trusted him - and even though I could be the slightly jealous, brooding guy that I was, I didn't want to ruin what she had with Lorin just because I felt weirded by him. It would be too. . .uncivil and resentful of me.

"I want to know." She said, her voice sounding tired and her tone lacking the determination I saw in her eyes. "Tell me, Ezra."

"Because. . .oh fück it." I said and opened my big mouth to tell her what my opinion was. "Because he gives my weird vibes and I don't. . .I don't like his face. I don't know how to say it to you! He just. . .gives me weird feelings and it seems that every time I see him, he's either always smirking, talking to old demon ladies, carrying knives with him - that cause me to go berserk -"

"Wait, wait, wait - wait." Rachel held her hands up and shook her head as she processed what I said. "He talks to. . .old demon ladies? Did this said 'Demon Lady' have. . .uh, I don't know missing teeth? Yellow eyes? Hair that reminds you of a birds nest?"

"Yep." I said, not at all taken aback by how Rachel might know this. Clearly this was a circle, a circle of unfortunate events that Lorin might have caused.

"What was he doing with her - what was he talking about with her?"

"Well she was talking to him about making a deal. Of course he didn't because I stepped in - which is when I asked him to give me the knife he had with him - which caused me to. . .to get angry and hit people." I replied, nonchalantly.

"What knife? And where did you see this. . .conversation happen?" Rachel asked, looking at me with wide eyes. "Actually, you know what? Let's go inside and talk about it. I'm getting mosquito bites and. . .I don't exactly feel safe."

We turned away from the trees and walked back to her house. But instead of going through the front door, Rachel went through from the backyard door, beckoning me to come inside with her. I stepped into the warmth of the dimly lit house and looked around. I could hear her mothers soft breaths coming from the next room, the sound of another person speaking, on the TV, emanating from the same place as well.

"She's in the next room." I bent down and whispered in Rachel's ear. She visibly shivered, arising an involuntary, mischievous grin from me.

"Thanks." She whispered back flatly as she saw the grin on me face. "Let's go." She turned and led the way up to the staircase, away from her mothers look. Peerig back once over her shoulder to make sure I was following, and to make sure her mother wasn't seeing this, she turned and ran up the stairs. That, caught me off guard and for a second a stayed out, staring up after her in shock. Then, I ran up the stairs after her, skipping three steps at a time.

"In here!" She whispered and I turned and saw her head poke out of a door. She opened it wide and pulled me inside and locked it shut behind her. "Phew. That was. . . a pretty dare-devil move of me. I'm a rebel." She said proudly and I shook my head at her, making her frown. "Hey, that's the worst thing a girl can do!"

"No. It really isn't." I replied, smiling slightly at her naivety and innocence. When she frowned at me again, I couldn't help but feel the. . .'less angelic' side of me pull through. Something whirred and moved to life inside me, causing me to slowly walk over to where she stood, against the door. I saw her shuffle, becoming nervous instantly which fuelled that lustful beast within me.

"Why so nervous all of a sudden?" I whispered, my lips lifting in a smirk and my eyes narrowing as they zoned in on Rachel, fidgeting and turning pink in the cheeks.

"I'm - I'm. . .not." She stuttered, looking at me with wide eyes. "St - stop it. Why are you. . .acting. . .acting hot?" She mumbled out and immediately shut her mouth as she realized what she had just said. I chuckled lowly which made her sigh. I smiled wider as I closed in on her, placing one hand on the side of her head and moving my other up to her face.

"Ezra. . ." She breathed out. But it didn't sound like a plead, it sounded more like wanting - which drove me to do what I did next - without even thinking.

I leaned down, looking into her eyes and smirking widely at how flustered she had become. Leaning in, I paused just a second, staring at her and her pink cheeks, closed eyes and parted lips. Then, with a firm but gentle touch, I pressed my lips to hers. Moving my body closer, I shifted until I was against her, feeling her relax and melt into me.

"Ezra. . ." She sighed, as we came up for air. But then, the lights went out and the house went completely, eerily quiet.


Aw that sucks. Making out with a hottie and then having your house shut down? :(

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