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The world was hazy and dark as I spun in and out of consciousness. I made note of the fact - as I woke up once, then fell into darkness again - that I was being dragged. Rachel seemed really good at doing that.

The hum of an engine was resounding through the car and filled my ears with the white sound, but it made me feel calm. Yes, I was still in pain and the fact that Rachel had lain me on my back on the backseat wasn't that great. I groaned, quiet enough that Rachel didn't know I was awake. If she did, she didn't show it.

Even though I was in immense agony, I lay still, watching through the windows as streetlights passed by, casting dull orange squares every time we passed them. This moment couldn't be any more painful and relaxing.

"Okay. . ." I murmured into the silence, causing Rachel to start and brake harshly. I almost fell off the seat but steadied myself before I could go diving, head first, onto the floor. "Yeah. . .I'm awake."

"Oh." Was all Rachel got out as she stared at me over her shoulder, wide eyed. "That's good. It was super hard pulling you up to the truck and into it." Despite myself, I chuckled lowly. I knew she hadn't meant for her comment to be funny, but for some reason I felt way better than I usually did after my 'episodes'.

"Well, thanks for not leaving me to freeze." I replied, bowing my head and running my hand through my hair. I realized I was shirtless but Rachel had forced me into another one of her jackets. This one was dark blue with a furry hood - and a bit too small.

"I couldn't do that. I'm sure no one would. Plus, you're such an angel. . ." She joked but quieted down as I looked at her, not angry but not amused either. "Sorry. I forgot. . .well the fact that your giant wings popped out of your bloody back -" She cut herself off. I didn't definitely know whether it was because she realized she was rambling or because I wasn't getting any peachier.

Gazing up at her through my eyelashes, I realized another thing. My plan hadn't worked and I seriously needed to get out of her life. Because if I didn't, things would get worse - for the both of us. I couldn't exactly have a human running around knowing that the world was filled with supernatural creatures, magic - dark and light - and certainly not fallen angels. . .or simply just angels who came down to 'mate' with human females.

"This jacket is tiny. . ." I mumbled peering down at it. Well at least it wasn't like the last one: bright, purple and wrapped around my waist because I was butt naked.

"Sorry. You're much bigger than me and I needed to keep you warm. . .plus, I couldn't have your unnatural blood colouring my seats." She said, looking down at the fingers she knotted and played with nervously. "My brother would kill me."

"It's fine." I replied shortly. All of a sudden, I wasn't feeling relaxed, calm or at ease. I felt pressured, annoyed and threatened. I needed out - now. I didn't know what came over me, but I knew that I couldn't see Rachel anymore. And most importantly, I couldn't let Rachel see me anymore. "I'm going."

"What - why?" She asked, snapping her head up, her gaze curious, disappointed and. . .despairing. "Did I say - or do - something -?"

"No." I interrupted. "You didn't. I can't have you knowing any of this. And if I leave and never come back, it'll be good for the both of us. I don't want you even remembering any of this."

"I won't tell anyone - I promise!" She cried out, her cheeks flushing pink. I didn't feel bad. I just felt confined, like a caged animal who was hungry, aggressive and. . .frightened. And who just wanted out.

"I don't care about that! No one will choose to believe you anyway!" I snapped. I yelled and I didn't know why. She acted as if we were together - a couple or maybe even best friends - but we weren't. She wasn't supposed to discover me that night. "Just. . .I don't know." I lamely mumbled. "Just pretend you never met me and there is nothing like me - or anything of the sort - in your precious, terrible world." And with that, I shuffled over to the end of the seat, opened the door and jumped out.

"And here," I said, turning around and to the open door. "Thanks." I took off her right jacket and left it on the back seat where I had lain. I turned back to the empty road, walking briskly across the other side and into the woods that waited me like an old relative waited for a hug.

. : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : .

I watched him as he went. Leaving me, shirtless with two reopened wounds leaking golden blood down his back. I didn't think he knew that. It didn't matter though, I wasn't going to follow him and if anyone came across his trail of gold, they would either be too unbothered, in a hurry, or couldn't care less. But I did.

Yes, he was something special - something more than special. He was a angel - literally. It wasn't something you would come across or get to see ever. But that wasn't the only thing that made me hurt when he decided to just up and leave.

I didn't know him well enough to be in love with him, but I did know him enough to want to be in love with him. I helped him when I should have run; I wondered of him right when I woke up - but not because he was something new and exciting, and an angel - but because I thought of the colour of his eyes and the way his dark hair fell into them. I thought of the way his high cheekbones were laced with scarlet of fatigue as he slumped there, against the wooden shelf where my mom kept flower pots and cans of nails, half dead. I remembered his wings, magnificent and majestic and scary. I had fallen in an unusual and quick love with him. It felt ridiculous and frightening and stupid. But I liked it. It didn't seem like anything I would ever do. It felt too. . .reckless and rogue - and I was anything but those.

With a sound that sounded like a longing sigh, but felt like a scream, I turned backward, gazing down and over my shoulder at the blue jacket that I had pulled into his naked torso. I hesitantly reached out and grabbed it from the seat, seeing it was still warm from his body heat. As if he was still here and just took it off.

There was another thing he left behind as well though. Two ragged and irregular shaped spots of gold on the back. Both of them were still wet and dribbling slowly down the fabric of my jacket. I didn't think I could ever - would ever - forget someone and something like him.


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