][ XXXI ][

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It was cold and quiet outside, the only noise coming from my heaving breathing and the leaves that crunched underneath mine and Ezra's shoes. We didn't speak a word since leaving the house and all I cared about was finding Lorin - and making it back before my mom woke up and thought I ran off.

"Ezra. . ."I spoke up suddenly, turning to look at him. I didn't know why I was speaking, or what exactly I wanted to say. I didn't think I had control over my mouth at this moment. "I. . .How could I have so easily let that - that jerk into -"

"Hey." Ezra stopped walking and I did as well. I looked up from where I stared down at my scruffy boots, and into his eyes. They were bright blue, almost glowing in the white light of the moonlight that broke through the thinning foliage of trees overhead. "Don't blame yourself, understand? To be honest, despite the odd vibes he gave me, I couldn't tell wether what I felt was really true or not. He was good. . .good at hiding."

"But -" I protested. I knew it wasn't the time to start listing off why I was at fault, but I couldn't help it in the situation we were in. Everything pointed at my stupidity, at my having trusted Lorin too much, and that just made me feel depressed and helpless.

"Rachel." Ezra cut through. He walked closer to until he was standing right in front of me. I had to strain my neck to look up at him as I felt him wound his arms around my waist. Despite being scared, unsure and angry, I felt my body go tense in nervousness, and I felt butterflies wake up inside my stomach. I knew that that wasn't the reason Ezra was pulling me close though. He wanted to comfort me, and my thoughts were reassured when he pulled me into him, his warm body surrounding mine and his scent enveloping me.

"It's not your fault. You shouldn't want to blame yourself because even if you did know - or didn't let Lorin into your house, your life - there was really no way to push him away. After all, he has. . .tricks up his sleeve." Ezra said, his chest reverberating with every word he said in his deep voice. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around him, standing there in the middle of the forest, breathing in Ezra and living in the moment where everything was the heat Ezra radiated, the feeling of his strong arms around me, his steady, deep breathing and the way the bottoms of his long hair tickled my forehead. I knew I wanted more moments like this, even though I knew he had a darker, careless side to him. One that might be even worse than what Lorin had transformed into.

"We have to keep moving and find him." Ezra cut the silence and I nodded once again. We broke away and I immediately missed the feeling I got - the unrelenting butterflies and flimsy legs and quick heartbeat.

"Yeah. I want to make him pay." I said through my teeth, anger easily replacing all the guilt and nervousness I had felt.

"No, you won't." Ezra said, but he wasn't looking at me when I glanced at him with one eyebrow raised. He was staring off into the blackness of the forest that lay ahead, his jaw clenching and his eyes narrowing slowly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice taking on a defensive tone. "I have the right to hurt him! He sent a demon after me! He gave my dead flowers and a death threat! He did other -"

"Rachel. I will not even let you close to him, understand?" Ezra broke his intense stare away from the distant trees and looked at me. "The only thing I might allow - just to satisfy you and to make your guilt less. . .guilty - is maybe punch him in the face. That's it."

"But -" I protested but I was cut off when Ezra suddenly grabbed my arm, pulling me into him with so much force I practically fell on top of him. Lucky for me, he was built like a wall and he didn't even seem to take a step back as I came flinging at him.

"What the hell was that for, you jerk!" I yelled and shoved away from him.

"That." He replied dryly and glumly, while pointing at something behind me. Turning slowly, I heard it before I saw it. Laughter. From Lorin.

He was standing halfway behind a tree, concealed mostly in shadows, but his bright hair and big, wicked smile gave him away. His low, insane, possessed chuckling became louder as he rounded the tree, coming into full sight.

"You want to hurt me, Ray?" He asked, his voice feigning hurt, and his lips pouting like a baby. "Well. . ." The baby voice he had just used, vanished as it warped into the sinister tone he used before, back in the shed. "I'd like to see you try!" He sung, laughing wickedly as he turned on his heels and ran off again.

"Come and catch me!" His crazy, psychotic voice echoed through the forest as he ran. "Let's see who can win this game! I'll be watching from the shadows!"

"Ezra -" I began, the sliver of fear floating in my voice apparent.

"Don't worry. I know what he's playing at." Ezra replied, his voice determined and his mouth curving up a bit, in a ghost of a rueful smile. In that moment, I forgot about Lorin and remembered just how wicked Ezra could be.

"And I know how to win."


Sorry for the crap chapter buuttt have I never made the next ones better? ;)

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