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*I was supposed to update a while ago but I couldn't because Wattpad was acting up again :( Sorry to leave you hanging guys - sort of ;)*


Unlike the first time he had kissed me, this felt real - not false or pretend. His lips were not gentle on my own, but they were not rough either.

He seemed to be holding back, slowly easing me into it. I didn't mind. The feel of his lips, smooth and warm on mine made me forget about the demon librarian, my mom meeting Lorin, and the dead flowers, and death threat.

I felt his arms slide around from where they were on my waist and around my back. He pulled me closer, my feet on top of his as we stood there, just in front of my bedroom window as the sun went down and my room got dark. I let go of his biceps and moved my hands to his chest, grabbing a handful of his shirt as I leaned upward, deepening the kiss unknowingly. I felt so inexperienced but I couldn't care. This was my first (true) kiss. And it felt amazing.

One of his hands left from where it was on my back, slithering up my spine and to the back of my head. Ezra stopped moving his lips gently over mine, and I could feel that now he moved his mouth more roughly. I clutched his black shirt tighter, my left hand having a mind of its own and gliding up his chest and around his neck.

I gasped, when I felt Ezra's teeth rake my bottom lip. Stumbling from the sudden, hot action, I grabbed at him even more, trying to keep my balance as my legs began to feel more like jelly.

"Ezra. . ." I groaned as we broke apart to catch our breaths. I felt like we were wasting the precious seconds we could have been using to kiss more. Ezra caught my bottom lip between his teeth again and I gasped once more. My actions were no longer my own as I felt my hands running up and down the length of his strong, muscular body. Ezra did the same, causing me - as inexperienced as I already was with this stuff - to groan and gasp and suck in my breaths sharply. Who knew your body could do this to you? Make you feel like you were high on ecstasy? Make you feel so much; make you feel every single touch, bite, breath and whisper of the other person. It was unreal. . .it was addicting. Now I knew why everyone at school loved making out.

My thoughts were cut off as Ezra bent his dark head down and began kissing my neck, starting from my jaw. His lips were so soft, leaving feather-like kisses all along my jaw and neck. He didn't put any pressure, it was him just brushing my vulnerable skin with his tantalizing, toxic lips. I felt concerned at how easily and quickly I fell apart in his arms.

Our breathing was the only thing we could hear. It was as if the birds had stopped chirping outside, my mom had stopped cooking and makings ruckus and the world outside had stopped breathing, just for us.

An alarming thought of how I couldn't hear my mum anymore raced my mind. But it was as easily pushed away when I felt Ezra lift me by my waist. I was in such a cloudy daze that when he carried my to the edge of my bed I felt like my floating was real. I felt so light.

I sat down on my bed and Ezra followed. I turned my whole body to face him and twined my arms around his neck just as he pulled me closer to him. I really hope we wouldn't regret this later. . .especially him.

My body was pressed against his and we were lost in our emotions, touch and kissing once again. I wanted to get closer to him, to have my body more adjoined with his, until we were both inseparable. Of course - and even I knew that through the haze I was in - that wouldn't be possible unless I was willing to give up something. . .important to Ezra. Maybe even then, I wouldn't feel as close as I want to with him. It was a difficult and indescribable feeling.

"Ezra. . ." I groaned again as his teeth nipped at my collarbone.

"Rachel." I heard an unfamiliar voice break mine and Ezra's intimate embrace. We broke apart, and I turned around seeing my mother standing at the door. What was it with my mom and finding the secret boys in my life - in the same day?

"Mom!" I yelled and moved far away from Ezra. I got up without looking at him, too embarrassed and too nervous and shy as well. I don't think I would ever be able to look at him the same way - with a curious fondness and a slight crush - ever again. He had been in my personal space, touching my body in the way I never ever let anyone. Heck, I didn't even give hugs - to my own mother!

"We - we. . ." I stuttered and fumbled for words just like I had when Ezra had been kissing and touching me.

"You and I'll talk later." My mom replied curtly, looking behind me at Ezra. She smiled suddenly, sweet and kindly. It. . .it didn't look all fake. Did she actually - somewhere deep inside of her - like Ezra? "And can I know your name, young man?"

"Ezra, ma'am." I heard his deep voice say from behind me. I sighed slightly, knowing I wasn't in that much trouble because the look on my moms face said it all: she did like him. . .I just don't know what it was exactly. He wasn't the type of boy most parents would want for their daughters. He was tall, dark and brooding. He looked liked a punk-rock, metal-head. He wore black clothes so black, you couldn't see him at night. He had long black hair and eyes that showed everyone wether he wanted to kill you or not the first time you met each other. He looked liked he could be part of a cult. Well. . .as I thought about it, he looked liked he could be the leader of a cult. He was the angsty, angry, broken and dark boy that parents would find unsettling or unsafe for their stupid teenage daughter. I should be glad that my mom was a weird one.

"Very lovely name." My mom replied. "Anyways, it was nice to quickly meet you, but it's getting a bit late and I need to take Rachel out anyways. . ." There it was. The: 'I do think you are bad for my daughter and I don't want her alone with you' hidden message. I guess she wasn't really different from most parents.

"We're going out?" I asked, thinking it would cut some of my moms rudeness out and some of the tension I felt coming from Ezra. Why was he tense? Was it because my mom saw us practically getting naked? But the blank look he had on his face, and the look he had in those emotionless, yet too-full-of-emotion eyes of his told me it might have been something else.

I couldn't help myself. "Uh. . .Ezra?" I wondered aloud. He turned around from where he stood by the door, near my mother as he was leaving. "I'll. . .um, I'll see you later?" I said, sounding more like I was asking a question. Truth was, only he and I could see that I really meant I would see him later on so we could discuss what was going on with him in this moment. He looked liked he was in pain and he wanted to kill something, but he also looked liked he couldn't give any thought or care to anything too. He looked liked. . .he was holding something in. As if he would burst into a million pieces and kill us all in the process of accidentally exploding.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll see you around." He replied shortly. I noticed he was trying to not grit his teeth. Just as he turned to leave, I saw it.

When he exhaled through his mouth, trying to keep something unknown in check, a thin, almost unnoticeable trail of gold slipped past his lips and down his chin. He turned away and stalked down the hall and out the front door before I could form another thought.


Damn! Good chapter or no? I liked writing it! ;) :)

Anyway, thanks sooooo much for reading this chapter and this book. I hope you guys are enjoying it! And please don't forget to leave a comment and vote! I'd love it!

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