][ End Note ][

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Well then, that was a ride wasn't it? A good one I hope!

Anyways I just wanted to thank you all once again for reading my book(s) and I'm really happy for all the reads, votes and comments on Incubus and its sequel Nightmares (which this series is based off!) - and this book as well -so thank you all for that.! I love reading your comments and replying to them and I love seeing the numbers beside the little eye icon rise! It makes me so happy knowing that my writing isn't crap and people actually enjoy it! (Sorry for all the spelling errors in the books though - autocorrect on my iPod is to blame!) But yeah. . . (⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎) Thank you.

XOXO - gossip girl ;)

Love you all and see you in the second book in this series! Or the third (or maybe last!) book in the Incubus series! Who knows which one I'll write first! ;) <3 <3

P.S Sorry for the long note - it want supposed to be this long (but if you can - please read all of it!) :D

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