][ XII ][

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My mouth was agape as I stared at the intense, serious and lethal expression Ezra had on his sculpted face. Before I could reply though, the shrill bell rang and Ezra smiled, genuinely, and got up and out of his seat so quickly, I'd wondered if he despised my company that much.

I made my way out of the classroom and into the crowded, buzzing hallway, in a daze. Is that what he was here for, pretending he was a human teenager finishing up school? To ruin my life? He had smiled so nicely at me afterward. . .

"Watch it." Someone said as they brushed past me and to their next class. I apologized in a haze, still distracted and stuck in my own head.

Surprisingly I made it to my next class without even being in control of my thoughts. Multitasking, I thought as I sat down in my seat near the windows at the very back of the class. I felt like a zombie. I was so stuck in my own head that I didn't even hear the teacher calling my name until the girl who sat in the desk next to mine, shook my shoulder.

"Uh - yes?" I snapped awake. The class snickered at me and eyed me.

"Ms. Monaghan, you're wanted in the office." Mr. Adams voice and face was so bland and bored I thought he was one of the students in the chairs, and not the teacher teaching a course they wanted to. "Take you things. I'm sure it'll take awhile." At this, the class all started hooting, thinking how a girl like me - the quiet book and art-nerd - could possibly get into trouble.

"What'd you do? Paint the side of the school?!" Some kid yelled as I walked to the front of the class to get out.

"I don't know. . ." I muttered to myself but everyone seemed to hear. I stepped out into the empty hallway and began walking to the office, stuck inside my head again - but this time wondering why I had gotten called down.

". . .Grades? No they're actually pretty good. Missing that one class because of a doctors appointment and not bringing in a note? I don't think so. Messy locker? Not contributing to school society? Okay, not that one." I mumbled out loud, to myself, as I watched my feet move forward and hit the tiled floor beneath me.

"Being an innocent nuisance?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I whipped my head up and looked to my left seeing Ezra. He had come up and began walking beside me without me even knowing.

"No -" I began and immediately shut my mouth as he smirked wickedly, his blue eyes - which he was bending down a bit for, so he would be eye level with me - sparkled with dark amusement. "Don't you have a class right now?" I asked instead.

"No." He replied shortly, that evil smirk still on his face. I looked at him questionably, not believing him. "I have a spare. . .seriously!" He defended himself as I continued to look at him doubtfully.

"Okay. . ." I said and turned away as we reached the office doors. I hope he wasn't coming in as well. I grasped the cool handle of the office door and stepped inside, Ezra following me inside, right in my heels. Oh fantastic! I thought to myself but froze, right there in the doorway with Ezra crashing into me, as I saw who was waiting (most likely for me) inside.


He smiled as he turned to face me but immediately dropped it and took a step back, looking frightful for his very life, as he saw who was standing right behind me. I'm guessing because Ezra was an angel, and Lorin a nephilim, that they had. . .problems with each other.

"Just who I came to high school for. . ." I heard Ezra whisper to himself, sounding deadly and cunning.

"I. . .uh. . .can we go outside, Rachel?" Lorin, oblivious to the fact that Ezra wanted to destroy him as well, stupidly asked. I guess not all angels and nephilim had 'fights to the death'. Only Ezra. . . But why?

"Yeah - let's all go outside -" Ezra spoke up from behind me.

"- Why you?" Lorin innocently, and genuinely, asked.

"Because I'm here for the same reason you are." Ezra said, and Lorin instantly looked much more defensive than he had before, understanding dawning on his face. He closed the gap between us, looking over my head at Ezra who seemed even taller than Lorin. And Lorin was tall.

"No, you can't -" Lorin started but was interrupted by Ezra. I stood silently, listening because I didn't know what to do or what they were talking about. But I knew that Ezra had a secret agenda, whose top priority was to kill Lorin. And I liked Lorin. I couldn't let that happen.

"She's mine." Ezra said, so possessively that I shivered. I like that, a sniggering voice in my head whispered.

No, no I didn't like that. And I certainly didn't like the growl that came out of Lorin when Ezra laughed.

Oh crap.


Will Ezra start World War 3. . .??

And who do you think should win over Rachel? The bad-boy, tormented, fallen-angel Ezra? Or the sweet, bubbly and foolish Lorin? ;)

(I HATTTEEEEE love triangles though. . . .I don't even know why I started one /: )

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