][ XXI ][

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I stood outside, the air chilling me to my bones. But I could care less. My short hair swept across my face, tickling me where the longer strands touched my cheek and neck. I guess for a boy I had pretty long hair.

My eyes were trained on her bedroom window, watching as the curtains moved, being closed shut across the window. A few minutes later, her mother and her came out of the house, walking to the car. They didn't notice me because I was too far away, hidden from view by the large tree that grew in the yard, near her window. I pulled p the hood of my sweater, concealing my bright hair in case it was noticeable.

I watched with later-like focus, staring at her in the passenger seat as her mother started the car and slowly pulled away from the driveway. Perfect, I thought to myself as I returned my gaze to her window. Now was my chance. Of course, I could have sneaked in and taken a personal belonging to make tracking her easier - blood magic was so easy to conduct once you had a belonging - but that would be too difficult considering she was always almost in her room.

Backing away from the tree and looking down the street to make sure no one was around, I crept around the house until I stood right beneath her window. I could use the tree to climb up, but the closest branch to her window was about three feet away from it. Shrugging nonchalantly, I went back to the tree and gripped it. Use your strength, I thought. Your unnatural strength.

I dug my nails deep into the trunk of the tree, the tips of my fingers beginning to bleed. Using force and my power, I climbed up the tree like a large, humanoid spider. If anyone saw me, they'd report a supernatural sighting and go viral on YouTube.

Soon enough, with a few scratches and cuts here and there, I was crouching, gripping, the tree branch that stretched out closest to her closed window. I could only hope she was stupid enough not to lick her window. Hopefully, she was that stupid.

I took in a deep breath, jumping off the spindly branch as I exhaled loudly. I grasped the edge of her windowsill before I could fall back down to the ground. I wouldn't die. . .I would just break my bones.

I scrambled to grip it tighter, and only succeeded in slipping more. My left hand came free from the sill and now I was gripping onto it with only a few fingers from my right hand. Which was coincidentally my weaker hand. I closed my eyes, taking in another deep breath. Then, swinging my left hand upward, as high as it would let me, I scuffled for the sill once more. I let out a gush of air that I didn't realize I had been holding, when I felt the concrete underneath the fingers of my left hand as well.

"What's a little more blood?" I whispered to myself as I struggled. I then dug my fingers into the concrete, creating tiny cracks along its surface. I felt thick, warm fluid run down my wrist and down my arm, soaking the cuff of my sleeve. I knew the skin of my fingers was torn and bleeding once more.

Using my power once again, I heaved my body upward, doing one sort of weird pull-up. I looked into her window, seeing purple drapes covering the other side.

"Okay. . .alright. . .let's. . .do this." I whispered, my breathing short and shallow, and every muscle in my body tense and taught. Then I took off my right hand, gripping the windowsill tighter with my left hand. Using my free hand, and trying to balance at the same time, I reached over and pressed my palm to the cool glass of the window. I pushed upward, trying to slide the window up. It didn't budge. So she isn't that stupid. . .I wondered to myself in regret and annoyance. She had locked her window before she left. In the shred of hope I had left (and also in stubbornness), I pushed the glass upward again, this time, successfully sliding her widow open. I guess it had just jammed a little. . .well, better not waste time! And with that, I pulled myself through the gap of her open window and into her dim, warm room.

I stood in front of the window for a while, surveying her purple, neat room for something personal I could take easily without her noticing it was gone. There. A tiny, silver band that shined in the dimness, almost beckoning for me to take it. I'd seen her wear it before, around her middle finger. Hopefully, she wouldn't miss it.

Stepping forward, I walked across her room to her bedside table, snatching the ring in my hand. I slipped the silver ring into one of the pockets in my sweater and began to walk back to the window when I sensed it. When I sensed him. I couldn't see him anywhere, and his scent and presence wasn't as close as I had thought, telling me that he wasn't here yet. That he didn't know I was here. I took this advantage, quickly climbing back out the open window, gripping the windowsill and sliding the window back into place. His rich, dark scent was stronger outside. I knew I had to let go and drop, otherwise he might see me and. . .well, most likely beat me to death. Sucking in all the air I could, I shut my eyes and let my fingers go loose on the sill. I felt lightweight as I fell, my stomach and other organ slightly shifting within me, causing that weird, tickling, tingly feeling inside. Then, just as quick as it had began, it stopped as I felt the hard ground hit my body. I had tried to cushion my fall but it didn't do me that good. I had fallen on my right side, my arm bent awkwardly underneath me. I knew from the aching pain I felt, that I had broken a few ribs on my right side as well. A rustling of leaves broke my reverie and I got up on my feet, quickly and uncertainly. Sucking in air, which made my ribs hurt more, I jogged-stumbled into the trees behind her house, her ring still safely nestled deep in my sweaters pocket.


Oh crap! Who could it be?? Who is trying to kill Rachel? And why? What do you guys think?

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